Have to move this weekend. Lousy German telecomm industry takes one week to activate a phone line and 2 weeks after to assign a DSL port. So, i will be very intermittant on my contacts during these times. (if anyone cared to contact me outside SG can do so. Not that anyone will frown ) .

i know it's over before it began, why did i...
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SGCharmCity is a group here on SG. You have to live in Baltimore area and attend local events to join.
You just need to hang in there.
i started to fallfor someone, thenshe vanished.

She appeared again, but seemed to be distant. i know she is very stressed. It just seemed what was there had gone.

One more failure to add to a growing list

i give up, i have to decide, when the time comes, if i should/can renew my subscription here. Onlyone or two people ever reached out with an...
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We'd be millionares.
How many believe love is the most important thin out there?

That you should do whatever you have to do to fulfill it?

How many believe we have a finite number of chances, and
after that, we are given no more?
i have know a few whom i could love, but would never look at me that way; or, disappear before i can hold onto...
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Happy valentines love!...Muwaaah!!!.. kiss love kiss
Why do i live when so many young men and women died? i see the faces coming back from Iraq and wonder what i did to deserve anything, including breathing.
Don't know if i will have a job, some people think we cost too much.
Thought i had met HER and had a future. Now she has disappeared and no longer responds. One more loss,...
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erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein
skull skull skull skull skull
ich spreche ein bisschen deustch, weil ich seit drei jahren deutsch studieren habe, aber ich bin nicht so gut.

wie viele lange kannst du sprechen?
skull thats all I know.
i dont know if i should continue on like this. Nothing i have done seems to help or open up any doors in my life. i am too passive to go out and make friends. i prefer they come to me so then i know they really are interested. only 2 incredible people took that step and i am greatful, maybe i will be back....
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For once i had an up night, went to a great show and meant a nice couple from Arizona. Didn't try and hook up, but didn't feel the pressure to do it.

Then someone had to bring up the ex-bitch. In an attempt to remind me how lucky i was she dumped me, someone told me they found out more about her. I didn't want...
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Nice to know that 2 people know i am alive. i try to take solace in the fact that they are both lovely woman at that. i'd hate to think i could drop of the face of the Earth or take a dirt nap and noone would notice or care, at least noone outside my family or people i've met.
skull skull

PS.;gotta get dolled up for...
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Did anyone notice i was gone?

Didn't think so..........
Welcome back.
hey chicy...muwaaah!
kiss kiss kiss
New Me, ICK! pics if anyone cares to see me a little more dressed up.
My current job told me if I do not give 2 weeks notice and work them, i am ineligible for rehire. If the new job won't push start date back, what to do . More $$$ and having to come home probably and start over vs. the ability to stay...
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