So, enough with that questionaire thing. If you still want to answer it, go back to my previous journal entry. Otherwise, it's gone from my agenda. To those who took the time, effort and energy to respond and delight me with your wonderful and enlightened answers, I send you my thanks and a great big hug. No kisses to those who might not be expecting one! To those who chose to ignore it, expect the wrath of vengeful gods. Well, some of the lesser ones, anyway...I'm not really that well connected with the important pantheons...there might be some broken shoe-laces, misplaced change, and soured milk...things like that.
The last week or so has been about priorities. Sorting it all out. And, I think it's been productive. Years ago, in the 80's I got my hands on a Japanese compilation video called "Steel Cathedrals" by David Sylvian, a brilliant musician I highly admire. In an interview segment, he talked about the process of writing music, and the need to set aside time to think about what you're actually doing...taking time away from the action to "prepare". At the time, I thought he was just being a pretentious prat. Now, I've come to understand how utterly important it really is. I'm starting to record 2 new albums right now, but have spent the past few months actually trying to make them coalesce properly in my head before committing them to tape (or the most modern digital representative).
Oh god, am I actually growing up?
Here's that
I promised I wouldn't give sue me.
The last week or so has been about priorities. Sorting it all out. And, I think it's been productive. Years ago, in the 80's I got my hands on a Japanese compilation video called "Steel Cathedrals" by David Sylvian, a brilliant musician I highly admire. In an interview segment, he talked about the process of writing music, and the need to set aside time to think about what you're actually doing...taking time away from the action to "prepare". At the time, I thought he was just being a pretentious prat. Now, I've come to understand how utterly important it really is. I'm starting to record 2 new albums right now, but have spent the past few months actually trying to make them coalesce properly in my head before committing them to tape (or the most modern digital representative).
Oh god, am I actually growing up?
Here's that