A successful recovery from an absinthe fest on Tuesday, and GREAT night at the club last night on Wednesday...got to see some of my SG friends, and meet some fab new ones! And a thank you to gasmaskboy for the cds.
Today is my day of responsibility...clean house, do some errands, rearrange chaos into order...little things like that.
Hope all is wonderful in your worlds...will stop by your journals later and say hello, or leave a silly comment. Probably the latter.
A big
to you for making the trip over here.
Onward and upward...
Today is my day of responsibility...clean house, do some errands, rearrange chaos into order...little things like that.
Hope all is wonderful in your worlds...will stop by your journals later and say hello, or leave a silly comment. Probably the latter.
A big

Onward and upward...
*twitches* absinthe?!?!?!

Ashamed I didn't catch the addition of new pics earlier..! I'd forgotten that you'd named your dogs after ol' Tom & Nik. The cake has to go to the pics of the studio...jesus fuck!
There must be more patch cables than hairs on my head! I feel incredibly jealous except for what the renters' insurance must be...