The pierces my bones, so I'm not going outside. This just has to stop. The kitchen water pipes are frozen, and I had to make coffee from the bathtub this morning.There are things I need to be doing...loading up my new sampler with libraries of sound and cleaning up the house a little bit, but this arctic weather has really subdued my motivation. Time to curl up with a good book, and wish for a fireplace. And dream about moving to New Mexico.
There was an Associated Press article today I laughed about. Boston has been colder than Juneau, Alaska and Reykjavik, Iceland...but than again, you knew that! Thanks for the book mentions. Yeah, the first two weeks of bookstore employment is spent saying, "What were those dozens of books I always wanted to covet but never got around to..?"
I saw a video clip on CNN of a woman in Vermont who threw a cup of boiling water into the air, and the stream of water exploded and turned into snow, just by coming into contact with the air. Beautiful, yes, but whenI realize that the same thing could have happened to me if I threw myself into the air (okay, I'd probably have to be in Vermont) it's pretty scary