School is heavy. It weighs down and makes me constantly assess the marginal cost of leaving vs. the marginal benefit of staying.
In my stupid soc class everyone gets together to bash on the World Bank for giving loans to 3rd world countries so they can develop their infrastructure. Apparently these countries tend to blow the money on coke and hookers, then get trapped in bad debt hell. But the kids and prof in the class insist that any loan that's going to be used for structural improvements is a waste of money and that whoever is offering it is a bad person.
I'm taking out student loans for school. Do these fall under that same category? Maybe I should get some coke and hookers with my loan money. That would certainly help for a while.
At least the job market is picking up again. Sorta... definitely better than it was a year ago. Hopefully better still in 6 months.
Now I just need to find a girl who wants to move to a new exciting locale every time I get transferred in my theoretical future job.
Did I mention that we're (well not really we, just those citizens who are members of the armed services) currently "taking" the city of Fallujah? Gotta kill all the insurgents, grind their bones to make my bread. And here's the weird thing, I don't know how I feel about it.
If we continue to attempt "targeted" strikes, the struggle is prolonged and more innocents die, our image is further tarnished, and Bush's stocks go up. If we flatten the city completely, a set number of innocents die, but perhaps the struggle ends there. What a fucked up thought to have.
In my stupid soc class everyone gets together to bash on the World Bank for giving loans to 3rd world countries so they can develop their infrastructure. Apparently these countries tend to blow the money on coke and hookers, then get trapped in bad debt hell. But the kids and prof in the class insist that any loan that's going to be used for structural improvements is a waste of money and that whoever is offering it is a bad person.
I'm taking out student loans for school. Do these fall under that same category? Maybe I should get some coke and hookers with my loan money. That would certainly help for a while.
At least the job market is picking up again. Sorta... definitely better than it was a year ago. Hopefully better still in 6 months.
Now I just need to find a girl who wants to move to a new exciting locale every time I get transferred in my theoretical future job.
Did I mention that we're (well not really we, just those citizens who are members of the armed services) currently "taking" the city of Fallujah? Gotta kill all the insurgents, grind their bones to make my bread. And here's the weird thing, I don't know how I feel about it.
If we continue to attempt "targeted" strikes, the struggle is prolonged and more innocents die, our image is further tarnished, and Bush's stocks go up. If we flatten the city completely, a set number of innocents die, but perhaps the struggle ends there. What a fucked up thought to have.
I would love to ride my bike to school but I'm so out of shape that I'm scared to start. Whereabouts do you bike from? Maybe we could bike together sometimes.