Finally I actually have some wisdom to impart in my blog rather than my normal bitching and moaning about my job and love life or lack there of. I learned a vital lesson yesterday in keeping my mouth shut and my opinions to myself. My best friend since moving to AZ recently ended his marriage to a woman all his friends hated and despised. She was a control freak who abused him verbally and mentally. Everyone could see it but him. This guy came up from Phoenix to spend the weekend with all his old friends, something the ex flat out refused to allow him to do during their 2 years together. One of the guys decided to tell him it was for the best his marriage was over and how he never liked his ex wife and why. Rather than agreeing our friend flew into a rage and said it was lack of support of his friends for his new family that weakend the relationship. My friend will longer speak to the guy who spoke the truth. I was lucky I kept my mouth shut. I have felt an immense guilt ever since he let me know about his marriage ending, I kept thinking if only I had said something before hand. Now I see if I had I would have lost my friend 2 years ago. So when in doubt say nothing and write your thoughts in a blog on a website your cheap ass friends wont buy a subscription to.
How on earth did you end up in Arizona from Minnesota?
we did indeed have a great time!! Thanks for liking the pictures!!