Well we may have figured out why I have not been feeling well....my girlfriend BuffinMuffin got her blood tests back and has Mono....yay now i probabaly have it since i feel like a heard of camels ran over me...go wish her well.
anyone taken the PCAT?? I have to take it in a few weeks...
anyone taken the PCAT?? I have to take it in a few weeks...
Don't know what this mono thing is (never heard of it in U.K) is that the one everyone calls the kissing disease??
..hhhmmm so do I take it that symptoms include an uncontrollable urge to kiss any attractive stranger that crosses your path?? Well, I don't know what all the fuss is about..sounds like a shit load of fun to me! just kidding..
You poor kittens! I hope you get to feeling better soon. here's a get well