The cold snap preceeding this All Hallows Eve exhumes old memories, laid to the bones pits like so many PLEBIANS. A faint whift of fallen leaves, a sweet murk, often unfound in the SUNShine State, of AWARENESS that IS, that I AM. The CAESAR that I AM that I AM proclaims the HOLY DAY of LAMENTING SOULS open and bereft of all affairs of the...
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thank you smile

my holiday was really nice.

hope you had a good one as well.

now i cant wait for my birthday! the big two O!!
finally able to log onto SG,after two fuckin months! just thought id let you know im active again, yay.

hope all is well with you. smile
A DISCOURSE ON THE DEAD: for the lovely undead herself, Zombie flower, Hyacinth of desire...

A discourse on the Dead must, of course start with BIRTH. We ride the wheel as many incarnations pass. LIVING DEATH is much more insidious, slowly entrenching the numbing slime, gooing droplets of red, bone dusted apathy. Save the DEAD, sweet darkness Haycinth, feed life fire, beauth and purity of...
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on the metaphysics of existence: shot with the arrow of insult the once and future KING falls from the thorny throne, which once thrashed upon injects a languid pain, the pernicious nature of GODdessness, rulers of infantile demigogues, smak you drum, bang the bones an let loose the DOGs of WAR, answer, we have no time to waste, "the time to hesitate is through, no...
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thank you blush
ok banal journal of nauseum, i will bow to the mighty BLOG, infiltrator, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End of cyberspace, oh BLOG of immaculate ego, drenched in the superstiton of the DIGITAL era, plugged-in, online, available, superhighway truth of the SOLITUDE, by what means do you perpetuate your truth, I AM THE TRUTH, spew forth the WORD, but pass the...
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