two of my best friends are getting married biggrin
i'm happy though it means that our friendship, as we know it, will be changed...

somehow married couples dont mix for long with singlr friends.. never saw that worling out.
but I'm probably worried for nothing- I know those guys since the first garde- we did everything together.

i guess the friendship will remain, it's just the...
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Thanks! smile
hi guys,
long time since my last post-
great news!! as of today- I am a Reiki master !!

will post soon.
have fun!
thank you so much for your support kiss
I'm back.
after a long absence. but I'm here now.

took a long journey across the country to try to find some peace for my soul.
I started off at the northern point of Israel and made my way down, took me three and a half months but I got from one side of Israel to the other.

just me, my alter ego; a bag...
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there are times when you cant get a song out of your mind.

times when you feel that they are like a movie theme,
that is describing what's going on in your life.

I can't shake the rolling stones out of my mind...

"you can't always get what you want..." frown
well, thank you.
That's true. I appreciate coming home to my animals more at night, after a shitty night at work. The furry ones put a smile back on my face.
had my first threesome on saturday..
woohooo!!! tongue biggrin biggrin

"So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page...
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Two words to say about the Floyd lyrics:

Fuck. Yes.

Hello there. Altho I have loved every minute of our "friendship" ... you've been cut off.
I dont know .. I feel like we are strangers. We've drifted, and I dont know if Im ready for this kind of commitment yet.
I mean, it's a big step. And this is why the Gods created the BookMark tab.

Maybe later .. when Im more comfortable and I feel like we really bonded, Ill be ready for this jump. =)
I'm back..

I was in the hospital the last 3 days as I got the crap beaten outta me..
lol, well, that's the price you have to pay when you try to help a girl out.
I was leaving a pub not far from where I live at around 3 in the morning and I heard a woman cring for help from behind the...
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thanks smile
אני כזו גרועה... איך יכלתי לשכוח את סונטה של ירח מלא? אחת היצירות הכי מרגשות ואהובות עלי אי פעם blush
coffee or tea: coffee!!! black and bitter, and muddy..
זה מזכיר לי את הצבא..משום מה כל איש בכר בצבא שהכרתי עד כה שותה ככה..מה הקטע? אתם גם מאמללים את עצמכם בשהייה נוספת בצבא וגם לא רוצים להנות מהקפה..? whatever
כפי שאתה רואה הצבא זה לא ההיילייט של החיים שלי...
חבר שלי אמר לי שאני עושה קולות כמו של המכרסם הקטן מעידן הקרח..אני מוצאת את זה דווקא דיי משעשע smile
סופש נעים !
I'm back..

I was in the hospital the last 3 days as I got the crap beaten outta me..
lol, well, that's the price you have to pay when you try to help a girl out.
I was leaving a pub not far from where I leave at around 3 in the morning and I heard a woman cring for help from behind the...
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can someone pleeease do something to help me get to sleep.
for about a week I manage to sleep only about 2 and a helf hours a night.

sing me a lolluby, tuck me in, give me a nice gun with a little bullet or something.
just make me fall a sleep..
waaaaaaaaaaaaa skull

I have insomnia too! It really sucks!! I have to smoke a lot of 420 and then work out just to fall asleep for about 2 hours. Tylenol PM works wonders btw.
hey guys,

NEYRISSA is fighting the good fight and trying to raise money for rehoming bunnies.

check her page and donate as much as you can.

good week- too bad it's gone.
next saturday i'm taking a bunch of kids with me in search of snow (there is a single mountain that gets snow in Israel) so we'll be hving a field trip soon.
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זה בסדר,זו הפעם הראשונה והאחרונה בה הולכים לראות אותי פה עם מדים
וזה לא משהו שהצבא מסתיר
אז..נראה לי שהכל טוב
sis? What they heck is that supposed to mean? haha