Here it is Valentine's day again and I am all alone. I would kill to have a girl that I could cuddle with and make out with today. oh, and to top it all off I have to work from 4 till 11 tonight. mad
My god I need to lose my virginity. I really need to get laid
When it rains it pours
Well Emationaly I am doing better however my health has taken a turn for the worse. I have an infection around my bottom left wisdom tooth(my mouth hurts so bad). Plus due to my cronic sinus infections I had to get a C.T. scan Yesterday. In the next couple of weeks I have one doctor appointment after anouther. One of...
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I should be happy Yet..........
I should be happy and excited and yet I am depressed and tired. In the upcoming months I am going back to collage and in the begining of March I am going to Disney World. My life is finally moving forward again. Yet I can not get Katt off my mind. It has been four years since this mess all...
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Well this is my first blog post here. I have been having a very restfull two days off from work. I am also looking forward to the snow we should have sunday. well thats all for now.