megans b-day is coming up. For some reason this time of year always upsets me. I miss her greatly even now that I am tring to get someone in my life I find it so hard not to think about her. I admit that I screwed up our friendship. It is all my fault. Its been five years sinc the fight we had and it...
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I am probably going to get alot of women mad at me for saying this but this is just something I have observed. Most women hate their breast. I come to that conclusion because most women never have anything nices to say about thiers. They hurt, thier to small, to big,their to hevy,bras period, they get in they way, their bags of fat, I get...
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i love mine!
I beleive most suicide girls like their breast but my study lies mainly with the people I know outside of this site.
My week turned for the worse yesterday morning. I had a doctors app. and my doc told me I had high blood pressure and tha my asthma was out of control. This is all that I need. My life sucks. I have no friends to hang with, my health suck, I get paid shit less then $700 a month, and I am still obsessed with...
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In all its been a while since I wrote anything. But I am doing fine. I am trying my hardest to get a girl I work with to go out with me. She likes me and all but she is having problems at home. Wish I had a picture to show you all but oh well. Right now money is driving me up the wall....
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Bring her a flower to make her day better and help take her mind off those problems, you would be surprised at the reaction you might get!
If you already have done that then I wish you luck and I will think of something better to convince her to go out with you
If you already have done that then I wish you luck and I will think of something better to convince her to go out with you

Thank you When next I work with her I might just do that. Its hard though because we work different shifts.
I guess I am just lonly right now. All I due is go to work, come home, sleep, and start all over. I haven't had anyone to hang out with in months. I also spend my time pinning over a girl that won't even talk to me anymore. She was my best friend ever and my first true love in my life. I miss her...
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i don't want to date while i'm pregnant. that's not the point of my blog.
oK its been a while since my last post. I just spent a week going throught all my stuff in my room. I throw out alot of stuff rearanged somrthing and in the end wound up with alot of extra room in my bedroom. about a month ago I went to a Wirard world philly and got alot of stuff however right before I left...
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after all this time
Its funny but after all this time it finnally happened. Know youmight think I am crazy but I never had any dreams about Megan where we did anything sexual. In a dream this morning I finally got to kiss her beautifull lips. In the dream Megan and Doug came over to visit me don't really know why but I had gifts...
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Its funny but after all this time it finnally happened. Know youmight think I am crazy but I never had any dreams about Megan where we did anything sexual. In a dream this morning I finally got to kiss her beautifull lips. In the dream Megan and Doug came over to visit me don't really know why but I had gifts...
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Have you ever just needed someone to hold, someone to cry on,someone just to love. It seems like everytime I find someone I really like or really love I either lose them or they are already taken. I screwed up my relationship with megan. Who I love more then anything in the world. There's keely who is engaged. Who I really like. And then there...
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You are not a loser. Every relationship but one doesn't work out so think of how many you have to go through before you get the right one?! Pit falls are normal, just don't let them get you to down, remember, you will find someone when you least expect it!

thank you. your kind word are agreat comfort
dreams and pain
I have been dreaming alot about Megan this week. But none of the dreams effected me more then last nights. At the end I asked her for one final time if we could work on being friend again. She got mad at me because in her veiw I just didn't understand why she wanted nothing more to do with me. I told...
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I have been dreaming alot about Megan this week. But none of the dreams effected me more then last nights. At the end I asked her for one final time if we could work on being friend again. She got mad at me because in her veiw I just didn't understand why she wanted nothing more to do with me. I told...
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I'm sorry to hear about it. Hopefully things will get better for you soon!
a childs cry of love
Just read this article here is the first paragraph.
A slain toddler tried to stop her mother and stepfather from beating her to death by reaching out to her mother and saying, "I love you," a prosecutor told jurors Tuesday. The pleas from 2-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers didn't stop her mother, Kimberly Trenor, from continuing to brutalize her, assistant district...
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Just read this article here is the first paragraph.
A slain toddler tried to stop her mother and stepfather from beating her to death by reaching out to her mother and saying, "I love you," a prosecutor told jurors Tuesday. The pleas from 2-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers didn't stop her mother, Kimberly Trenor, from continuing to brutalize her, assistant district...
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