Well its been a while since I wrote anything. So I passed CPR with an A and I am taking English 111 next semester. I been having alot of trouble with money. The not having any money kind of trouble . They just have not been giving me any hours. I have a 400 dollar bill to pay by the 6th of Aug. My big worry is that Megans mom works in the TCC english department. I am so afraid of meeting her and something happening between us that might get me kicked out. I have asked Megan repeatedly to talk but she just ignores me. Though I do know that I don't have her mom for english. In all i had a good day its just in the last few hours that I have gotten really depressed. I miss megan and some of my other friends. I am tired of depending on other people to buy me things like food. I feel really bad that Scott wants to pay for a gym membership for me so I can lose weight. Its bad enough he has paid for to meals out. I feel so indeted to him and Ann. Its not like I am blowing money on frifilous things I just don't have any after paying for my class and other bills. I bearly get 40 hours every two weeks. I have been without one of my meds for about a month because I just don't have money. Sorry for whining like this. Hopefully I will have something good to type soon.
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 01, 2009
megans b-day is coming up. For some reason this time of year always u… -
Tuesday Aug 25, 2009
I am probably going to get alot of women mad at me for saying this bu… -
Friday Aug 21, 2009
My week turned for the worse yesterday morning. I had a doctors app. … -
Tuesday Aug 18, 2009
In all its been a while since I wrote anything. But I am doing fine. … -
Tuesday Jul 28, 2009
I guess I am just lonly right now. All I due is go to work, come home… -
Tuesday Jul 14, 2009
oK its been a while since my last post. I just spent a week going thr… -
Saturday Jun 06, 2009
after all this time Its funny but after all this time it finnally… -
Thursday Apr 23, 2009
Have you ever just needed someone to hold, someone to cry on,someone … -
Monday Mar 02, 2009
dreams and pain I have been dreaming alot about Megan this … -
Tuesday Jan 27, 2009
a childs cry of love Just read this article here is the first pa…