well it's almost over- the majority of school is done for the somester- i had to basically lock myself in the apartment, unplug the phone- cease all contact with the outside world and flake out completely, that sort of thing for about a week but it all got fucking done; now all i gotta do is study for the finals but those don't start till the 12 so it's easy street from now on. the best part of the somester, in my opinion, 'cause it's right after the severe crunch starts to let up, and your brain can breathe again and actually enjoy learning stuff at it's own leisurely pace and therefore enjoy it again and remember just why it is i put my self through this? plus the calander for september came out so now i can look at all the courses i wanna have drive me completely freaking nuts next somester- that's always pretty fun

i really wanna get into international political economy- i think i'm ready for it- and this early canadian history class-which to tell you the truth probably would have caused my eyes to glaze over and then some before last year but lately and especiaaly with the canadian poli sci class i just took, well, it's definately gotten much more interesting. i learned pretty quickly with political stuff it's much like learning about a new sport, and the more rules you learn and names you know the more it makes sense, and the more exciting i t is. i want to take spanish too, but i don't know if it'll fit in with the other classes, scedule wise.

i couldn't get on the internet for like, all week- some problem w/ my server i guess- well it least it waited till now that i was done researching... anyways i hven't been to this site in maybe a couple of weeks, i sure have alot of porn to catch up on.
right now i am lounging on the couch with a couple of buds and plenty a weed, waching Mystery Men...a movie i quite like- william h macey, peewee, janeen, etc. playin failed super heroes and of course the wonderful rare Tom Waits cameo- c'mon what's not to like?
so then my last final is on the 14th- which, incidentally is also my birthday- i think i'll get pretty drunk that nite-i'm tuning 25, you know, so adult and all.
i've been getting little presents from jae all week though- even though it's not m b-day yet! no one's ever showered me w/ presents before my birthday, he's such a deer sometimes!

he got me these awesome comic books that i love- one called Cave In by brian ralph, which has no dialogue an just pictures- a very symbollic little story with the most wonderful ending that just about brought me to tears- and Kochalka's Monkey VS Robot books- also mostly pitures and no words- which i've been wanting for a super long time and i don't know how he knew that but he did!
after finals and probably a hangover or two and a couple a days of sleep i'm gonna go to the island- first to victoria for the family birthday thing ( my mom said she'd take us all to the Bug Zoo- the BUG ZOO man!! i hear they have giant bush crickets from S. Asia- so so cool. and then to tofino to sit in the woods and lie on the beach for a little bit. woo hoo! i have been a little bummed out lately but i am feeling better writing about all this- i forgot how good it is to write in jounals (i used to keep them till, well, i guess a few years ago...) anyways, this one is probably getting pretty long by now, i'm sure! so i will go then. with lovely dreams of endless crashing waves, deep sand and the grey- pearl skies of abyss.
thank you so much for your words, and mr. gibran's words. . .
to think i used to call myself a poet!
it really helped.
i mean, i kind of already "knew" what he was talking a/b.
i am who i am b/c of what i've been through. i don't think i'd exchange that.
but sometimes it all seems so senseless -
adversity is good for the soul, but depression?