well since i'm not working on anything at the moment, i figured I'd update my journal. I know I know, i've been neglecting it. sorry. Just not sure people really are interested in me anymore.
So, working hard still on Quake 4. Gotta get it done by the end of the month basically. I'm really liking the game and it's gonna rock everyone's socks....trust me.
I'm heading to Florida on Thursday to go speak at Full Sail this week. I can't wait to get down there and yell at the kids. Only suckie part is missing megz and my little one for 4 days.
Went to the Madison SG party this passed weekend. All I have to say is...."wolfwood...bison?" I met alot of cool people at the party and I'm glad I did. Some people I only knew on here that i met in person for the first time. And Fallen, you tell Matt that I'm going to hire him to watch TV with the sound down and just add in his own dialogue. That shit was great. k. I'm done. I hope everyone is has a good week and has plenty of fun. And soon, I'm going to get back to my working out and losing weight schedule. I want to be fit and trim for megz. in the immortal words of Query "I gotta keep my ass spankable " awww yeah.
Be good or be good at it.

So, working hard still on Quake 4. Gotta get it done by the end of the month basically. I'm really liking the game and it's gonna rock everyone's socks....trust me.
I'm heading to Florida on Thursday to go speak at Full Sail this week. I can't wait to get down there and yell at the kids. Only suckie part is missing megz and my little one for 4 days.

Went to the Madison SG party this passed weekend. All I have to say is...."wolfwood...bison?" I met alot of cool people at the party and I'm glad I did. Some people I only knew on here that i met in person for the first time. And Fallen, you tell Matt that I'm going to hire him to watch TV with the sound down and just add in his own dialogue. That shit was great. k. I'm done. I hope everyone is has a good week and has plenty of fun. And soon, I'm going to get back to my working out and losing weight schedule. I want to be fit and trim for megz. in the immortal words of Query "I gotta keep my ass spankable " awww yeah.
Be good or be good at it.

I can't believe you haven't seen Sin City yet. Shame on you. Go out and see it tonight. For christ's sake, do not ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever take Emma to see that movie. Damage for life.