In case you were wondering, no, I have not quite gone mad- that last was six samples of randomly computer-generated text, based on the first three chapters of Wuthering Heights. I'm fairly proud of the program I wrote to do this. It uses seven-letter sequence conditional probabilities to generate, and I used "neighbo" as the key (the starting point).
neighbourthat I took care not been one persons who touch nothing,' he remarked, putting stones, continued my toilette rather more rational than myself, I went on--'in spellingly. I asked to the world as impalpable ice. My landlord which had completely remove the 'missis,' an individual whose peaty moisture is said the universal scowl they were both of us nodding... Read More
Well for sure it's been a blast-
But my time among you is now past
I drank, and rhymed, and laughed a bit
But this comfort I now quit
It's back to hell, and blood, and war
(A life I'm far more suited for)
Gray should be back, his job is done
He may have even had some fun
No-wait- I now forsee
The one... Read More
Your world's too cold- no lakes of fire
Nor delicate brimstone'd breeze.
But at least it's quiet- I'd be a liar
If I said I weren't quite at ease.
It's nice to dodge all of that epic strife
The war between Heaven and Hell-
And although I'm not long for this quieter life
I intend to be spending it well.