Let us bow our heads in respect for the dearly departed. It might have not been part of me for long, but it was beloved.
Yes. I am sorry to say that my septum piercing lost it's fierce battle against "the common cold." *sniffle*sniffle*
...AND I am STILL battling! This time "cold" has joined forces with his buddies "junkie cough" (with his little buddy "icky greenish/yellow phlegm!" Yum!) and "post- nasal drip." Oh! And to top it all off "Aunt Flo" has made a surprise visit! Why the fuck not, eh?
Dear Patient,
Just because you are sick doesn't mean to you have to be a needy whiney asshole. Yeah. I KNOW you don't feel well, but that doesn't mean you have to share your misery with the rest of us. When I don't feel well, I stay at home and puke in my own toilet. I shit in my own toilet. When I don't feel well I suffer at home. Alone. If I was sick enough that I needed to go the Emergency Room I certainly wouldn't make the medical staff's job harder. I wouldn't rip out my NG tube. I wouldn't cough all over everyone. Cover your goddamn mouth! Just because I work at a hospital doesn't mean I'm immune to germs! Oh! Since I'm being honest here...To the guy who hurt his back 2 days ago: Walking into the ER at 5 am laughing and smiling with muscle pain is abuse of the healthcare system. You waited 2 days! Can't you wait a few more hours to see your doctor? Seriously, If you're that bad that you need to come to the ER, you better be fucking crawling in! It's not very often that I go off about my job. I love taking care of patients. Really truly! Sometimes I just feel as if what I do isn't appreciated. I'm not a fucking masseuse, but I still rubbed your back to comfort you. I held your puke bucket. I wiped your ass. I'm there to HELP you and all I get is whining and attitude. Do I ever get a "Thank You?" No. No I don't. How would you feel if I said "Fuck you! Get them yourself!" when you command "Feed me more ice chips!" (Last time I knew you still had full use of your limbs) How would that go over? Think about it...
Compassionately Yours,
My hair hasn't changed that much since I got it cut. The color is pretty much the same only more blonde highlights in anticipation for Spring. I had about 2 inches cut off, but you don't really notice! ( I should get my hair cut during the waxing moon from now on!)
It is suppose to be in the 50's this Friday & Sat. I've decided that I'm going to take out the kayaks and go paddling. Believe it or not, There ARE ice free bodies of water about! *grin*
I'm off to bed.
no kisses
too many coughs
I'll give you wuvs instead
Yes. I am sorry to say that my septum piercing lost it's fierce battle against "the common cold." *sniffle*sniffle*
...AND I am STILL battling! This time "cold" has joined forces with his buddies "junkie cough" (with his little buddy "icky greenish/yellow phlegm!" Yum!) and "post- nasal drip." Oh! And to top it all off "Aunt Flo" has made a surprise visit! Why the fuck not, eh?
Dear Patient,
Just because you are sick doesn't mean to you have to be a needy whiney asshole. Yeah. I KNOW you don't feel well, but that doesn't mean you have to share your misery with the rest of us. When I don't feel well, I stay at home and puke in my own toilet. I shit in my own toilet. When I don't feel well I suffer at home. Alone. If I was sick enough that I needed to go the Emergency Room I certainly wouldn't make the medical staff's job harder. I wouldn't rip out my NG tube. I wouldn't cough all over everyone. Cover your goddamn mouth! Just because I work at a hospital doesn't mean I'm immune to germs! Oh! Since I'm being honest here...To the guy who hurt his back 2 days ago: Walking into the ER at 5 am laughing and smiling with muscle pain is abuse of the healthcare system. You waited 2 days! Can't you wait a few more hours to see your doctor? Seriously, If you're that bad that you need to come to the ER, you better be fucking crawling in! It's not very often that I go off about my job. I love taking care of patients. Really truly! Sometimes I just feel as if what I do isn't appreciated. I'm not a fucking masseuse, but I still rubbed your back to comfort you. I held your puke bucket. I wiped your ass. I'm there to HELP you and all I get is whining and attitude. Do I ever get a "Thank You?" No. No I don't. How would you feel if I said "Fuck you! Get them yourself!" when you command "Feed me more ice chips!" (Last time I knew you still had full use of your limbs) How would that go over? Think about it...
Compassionately Yours,
My hair hasn't changed that much since I got it cut. The color is pretty much the same only more blonde highlights in anticipation for Spring. I had about 2 inches cut off, but you don't really notice! ( I should get my hair cut during the waxing moon from now on!)
It is suppose to be in the 50's this Friday & Sat. I've decided that I'm going to take out the kayaks and go paddling. Believe it or not, There ARE ice free bodies of water about! *grin*
I'm off to bed.
no kisses

too many coughs

I'll give you wuvs instead
