I apologise in advance for the emo-ness of some of this entry, but I need to vent a little. I've spoilered it for those not wishing to see the self pity.
Saturday night was rather ace. I went out to a party at my mates Lau and Ians and met three of their other friends for the first time. Everyone was lovely, although it took me a while to relax as is normal with me when around people I don't know. Luckily due to the wine and the top-notch hashish I relaxed a lot sooner than I would have done normally and we were soon having laughs and enjoying Singstar like I had always been a part of their group.
Sunday was alright. Ma, my aunty, my cousin and myself went to my Grandads for Easter dinner and tea. I was a little hung over in the morning (only having had 4 1/2 hours sleep as well!) but that soon cleared up and we had a quiet day listening to Dean Martin and chatting about Easters gone by. I spent a most of the afternoon curled up on the sofa reading a geeky Warhammer 40,000 novel. It was relaxing.
Saturday night was rather ace. I went out to a party at my mates Lau and Ians and met three of their other friends for the first time. Everyone was lovely, although it took me a while to relax as is normal with me when around people I don't know. Luckily due to the wine and the top-notch hashish I relaxed a lot sooner than I would have done normally and we were soon having laughs and enjoying Singstar like I had always been a part of their group.
Sunday was alright. Ma, my aunty, my cousin and myself went to my Grandads for Easter dinner and tea. I was a little hung over in the morning (only having had 4 1/2 hours sleep as well!) but that soon cleared up and we had a quiet day listening to Dean Martin and chatting about Easters gone by. I spent a most of the afternoon curled up on the sofa reading a geeky Warhammer 40,000 novel. It was relaxing.
Not really got much else to report at the moment. How are you?
I'm feeling more level than I was when I posted that. I'm still none the wiser as to what brought it on, but hey ho, that's nothing new. I took your advice girlysound and went for a long walk out to one the villages on the outskirts of the town I live in. Spent an hour or so sat in the churchyard writing down some thoughts and feelings before walking home. It was good and really helped clear my head a bit. I got some good stuff written down too that I'm gonna use in a story I'm working on
Thanks again ladies, you're wonderful people and I'm glad to know you're here x