Moderately sized update full of crappy cell phone pics.
First of all, I don't really care for the new layout of this site. I said a similar thing the last time they changed it as well, and I got used to that, so I suppose I will get used to this one as well.
As you can see, that beard I'm not growing is coming along quite nicely.
I've been ridiculously busy lately. It's the last three weeks of school, and I've been working every day this week, and will be working again tomorrow. Not only that, but Thursday I got hit with the second worst illness I've ever had in my entire life. Thankfully it only lasted for about 36 hours. Especially considering that Friday night, I went to a Sox game.
Awesome seats, too. In right field, just a few rows behind the visiting team's bullpen.
In exchange for working a full shift tomorrow, my boss took me out for a TOTALLY METAL lunch this afternoon:
Interestingly, somehow during the cracked-out fever-induced coma I experienced during that brief illness, something within my mind seemed to have healed. I feel elements of my old self, my happy self beginning to re-emerge.
Along with all these extra hours comes extra money... thus:
Recent Acquisitions:
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality ~ Incredible
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor ~ Incredible
Watain - Sworn to the Dark ~ Amazing
Artillery - Terror Squad ~ Old-school ANNIHILATION
Agalloch - The Mantle ~ Absolutely beautiful
Gojira - Terra Incognita ~ Impressive
Torch - Torch ~ I wish I had this album in '82 when it came out.
The Nevermore albums have been on almost constant rotation along with the Watain album. They are all simply incredible.
So, last weekend I actually managed to make someone cry at work. Yes, really. I caught this 16-year old kid lighting up a joint in the balcony. So, I held up the joint in front of his face and said "You know how much trouble you can get in for this? I should give this to the cops. I should give you to the cops." in my best close-to-but-not-quite-cos-I'd break into laughter pro-wrestler voice. To my shock, the kid starts crying and begging "No, please no." I kind of felt bad, but not really. I would have never ruined the kid's life over something stupid like that, so I just gave him the boot.
Speaking of work, some pics from work:
Stupid rap act but I though it looked cool with the lighters:
Anyway, I think I've wasted enough of your time making you read this, and enough of mine writing it, so I'll end it here. I hope to have more time in the coming weeks, so I will try to be more social. But until then... ***crawls back into the cave of obscurity***
I leave for Philly in 4 weeks!!!
First of all, I don't really care for the new layout of this site. I said a similar thing the last time they changed it as well, and I got used to that, so I suppose I will get used to this one as well.

As you can see, that beard I'm not growing is coming along quite nicely.
I've been ridiculously busy lately. It's the last three weeks of school, and I've been working every day this week, and will be working again tomorrow. Not only that, but Thursday I got hit with the second worst illness I've ever had in my entire life. Thankfully it only lasted for about 36 hours. Especially considering that Friday night, I went to a Sox game.

Awesome seats, too. In right field, just a few rows behind the visiting team's bullpen.
In exchange for working a full shift tomorrow, my boss took me out for a TOTALLY METAL lunch this afternoon:

Interestingly, somehow during the cracked-out fever-induced coma I experienced during that brief illness, something within my mind seemed to have healed. I feel elements of my old self, my happy self beginning to re-emerge.
Along with all these extra hours comes extra money... thus:
Recent Acquisitions:
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality ~ Incredible
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor ~ Incredible
Watain - Sworn to the Dark ~ Amazing
Artillery - Terror Squad ~ Old-school ANNIHILATION
Agalloch - The Mantle ~ Absolutely beautiful
Gojira - Terra Incognita ~ Impressive
Torch - Torch ~ I wish I had this album in '82 when it came out.
The Nevermore albums have been on almost constant rotation along with the Watain album. They are all simply incredible.
So, last weekend I actually managed to make someone cry at work. Yes, really. I caught this 16-year old kid lighting up a joint in the balcony. So, I held up the joint in front of his face and said "You know how much trouble you can get in for this? I should give this to the cops. I should give you to the cops." in my best close-to-but-not-quite-cos-I'd break into laughter pro-wrestler voice. To my shock, the kid starts crying and begging "No, please no." I kind of felt bad, but not really. I would have never ruined the kid's life over something stupid like that, so I just gave him the boot.
Speaking of work, some pics from work:

Stupid rap act but I though it looked cool with the lighters:

Anyway, I think I've wasted enough of your time making you read this, and enough of mine writing it, so I'll end it here. I hope to have more time in the coming weeks, so I will try to be more social. But until then... ***crawls back into the cave of obscurity***
I leave for Philly in 4 weeks!!!

(that light show's pretty cutting edge though eh!)
things seem pretty full on but glad things are going good.