Hello 2007! You could have done me a favor and remained hunkered under whatever filth-laden stone you emerged out from underneath! Seriously... go away already.
So my new relationship has careened to an unfortunate end. I will spare you the details, save to inform you that I'm glad that it didn't take 7 years this time. Oh well. It alluded me to the fact that I may not be such a good judge of character after all. Either that or I am a complete sucker when it comes to dealing with members of the opposite sex. One or the other.
So I picked up MORE BLACK METAL:
Weltmacht - The Call to Battle
Weltmacht - And to Every Beast Its Prey (Special thanks to Annalee for pointing me towards these guys)
Nagelfar - Virus West
Warthrone - Ghost Storm Eulogy
I am very happy with all of them. I also received a copy of Lie In Ruins' debut CD from Roni_82, "...statues" and I must say that I am very impressed!!!
I've been going to the gym with my cousin recently and his routine has been leaving me feeling especially sore. He's a corrections officer, and one maniac at the gym. I've definately been getting results, though, for which I am thankful.
I also found out that I didn't get placed with the roommate I requested at school. I looked up the kid I'm with on facebook and he's shirtless in his profile pic. Joy! I've been trying to get in touch with this clown for a while now to find out if I need to bring anything (TV, couch, etc.) but to no avail. Not getting off to a good start. The good news is that it's just the two of us in a triple. I would have been bullshit if I had found out I had 2 roommates.
Ugh. Sorry about all this bitching, but like I mentioned earlier, this year hasn't exactly gotten off to a good start. =/
On a lighter note, I'm back in Boston next weekend. Seriously looking forward to getting out of this decrepit industrial revolution-era wasteland that is my hometown and back to somewhere civilized. Plus, there are some really good shows coming up that I'm looking forward to, some of which I'll be working security for - getting paid to attend! Huzzah!
Anyway, hope this new year is treating you better than it's treating me.
So my new relationship has careened to an unfortunate end. I will spare you the details, save to inform you that I'm glad that it didn't take 7 years this time. Oh well. It alluded me to the fact that I may not be such a good judge of character after all. Either that or I am a complete sucker when it comes to dealing with members of the opposite sex. One or the other.
So I picked up MORE BLACK METAL:
Weltmacht - The Call to Battle
Weltmacht - And to Every Beast Its Prey (Special thanks to Annalee for pointing me towards these guys)
Nagelfar - Virus West
Warthrone - Ghost Storm Eulogy
I am very happy with all of them. I also received a copy of Lie In Ruins' debut CD from Roni_82, "...statues" and I must say that I am very impressed!!!
I've been going to the gym with my cousin recently and his routine has been leaving me feeling especially sore. He's a corrections officer, and one maniac at the gym. I've definately been getting results, though, for which I am thankful.
I also found out that I didn't get placed with the roommate I requested at school. I looked up the kid I'm with on facebook and he's shirtless in his profile pic. Joy! I've been trying to get in touch with this clown for a while now to find out if I need to bring anything (TV, couch, etc.) but to no avail. Not getting off to a good start. The good news is that it's just the two of us in a triple. I would have been bullshit if I had found out I had 2 roommates.
Ugh. Sorry about all this bitching, but like I mentioned earlier, this year hasn't exactly gotten off to a good start. =/
On a lighter note, I'm back in Boston next weekend. Seriously looking forward to getting out of this decrepit industrial revolution-era wasteland that is my hometown and back to somewhere civilized. Plus, there are some really good shows coming up that I'm looking forward to, some of which I'll be working security for - getting paid to attend! Huzzah!
Anyway, hope this new year is treating you better than it's treating me.

Yep! It goes north of Boston which is where I live!