Don't you hate those weekends that you spend 15 hours per day sitting in the same spot not because you want to, not because you have nothing better to do, but that's just simply how much time your current workload demands? I know I do. At least my back does. Maybe my elbows do as well.
Well, I've been working on this monster Java project for my stupid OOP class, roughly 8 hours yesterday and since 8:30 this morning (about 3 hours) and I'm finally almost done. Once I'm done with this, I get to go to the museum so I can write my art history paper on the Titian and one of the Botticelli's they have there. I have to write about the use of color and linear perspective. Suffice to say, I am overjoyed.
I also have a physics test on Tuesday, and a statistics test on Wednesday. The physics test I'm feeling comfortable with, but I have no idea what is going on in the stats class. I'm convinced that the stats book is not written in English despite the fact that I recognize some of the words and the overall grammatical structure. I suppose when you add the two words "for engineers" to any subject, you are somehow obligated to make the text illegible to anyone incapable of understanding it on a graduate level. Fuckers. It doesn't help that the teacher is a complete toolbag PHD who thinks that all of his students are too. Prick.
Yeah, so I suppose it is fair to say that school is stressing me out a little bit right now. I got 4 A's and a B for my midterm grades (Guess which class the B is in!), so I'm not worried about passing, I'm just a psycho perfectionist and will be very upset if I get less than a 3.5 GPA. Sometimes I hate this aspect of my personality. It seems like I'm arbitrarily driven to do well, despite the fact that I know it won't matter much because I'm lowering my sights a bit on my goals for grad school.
Speaking of procrastinating... check out my new "overall" Windows theme I concocted yesterday while "taking a break":
Click here!
Don't go IM'ing people on my list now! IM me if you're THAT bored.
I think it looks pretty cool.
Alright, now that I've successfully burned 6 or 7 minutes writing this, time to get back to this Java nightmare. Speaking of nightmares, I had some very bloody zombie-related nightmares last night. Some of the most terrifying I've had in a while. I was having my fingers chewed off. It was no fun.
Well, I've been working on this monster Java project for my stupid OOP class, roughly 8 hours yesterday and since 8:30 this morning (about 3 hours) and I'm finally almost done. Once I'm done with this, I get to go to the museum so I can write my art history paper on the Titian and one of the Botticelli's they have there. I have to write about the use of color and linear perspective. Suffice to say, I am overjoyed.
I also have a physics test on Tuesday, and a statistics test on Wednesday. The physics test I'm feeling comfortable with, but I have no idea what is going on in the stats class. I'm convinced that the stats book is not written in English despite the fact that I recognize some of the words and the overall grammatical structure. I suppose when you add the two words "for engineers" to any subject, you are somehow obligated to make the text illegible to anyone incapable of understanding it on a graduate level. Fuckers. It doesn't help that the teacher is a complete toolbag PHD who thinks that all of his students are too. Prick.
Yeah, so I suppose it is fair to say that school is stressing me out a little bit right now. I got 4 A's and a B for my midterm grades (Guess which class the B is in!), so I'm not worried about passing, I'm just a psycho perfectionist and will be very upset if I get less than a 3.5 GPA. Sometimes I hate this aspect of my personality. It seems like I'm arbitrarily driven to do well, despite the fact that I know it won't matter much because I'm lowering my sights a bit on my goals for grad school.
Speaking of procrastinating... check out my new "overall" Windows theme I concocted yesterday while "taking a break":
Click here!
Don't go IM'ing people on my list now! IM me if you're THAT bored.

I think it looks pretty cool.
Alright, now that I've successfully burned 6 or 7 minutes writing this, time to get back to this Java nightmare. Speaking of nightmares, I had some very bloody zombie-related nightmares last night. Some of the most terrifying I've had in a while. I was having my fingers chewed off. It was no fun.
i'm guessing by the comments above you've done your speech now. fun or fear?!