O.K.meta, that was hilarious (!). Now, DrStinkypants gave me the instructions, but I am still not clear on the protocol.

While I am at it, where is the appropriate place to reply? My journal (i.e., here), your journal (i.e., "tap-a, tap-a, tap-a!"), or elsewhere?
depends on what you're replying to? and how long your reply is going to be??
Contrary to what anyone (just about anyone, with feewww exceptions) has ever said about what communism is, or about the goals of socialist transformation -- there is a clear goal: the absence of a distinction between labor and leisure time.

Often -- and this is why many critics charge him with having a pastoral vision of our possible future -- people cite Marx's statement from...
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"Giving people an equal part when they're clearly not equal is called what, class?"


I will divulge the terrible secret of the quote boxes if you tell me honestly that that is motherfucking hilarious. especially when taken in the context of a Simpsons episode about tap-dancing. ahem.
much as i disagree with that entry, heres how you do quote boxes. use brackets "[" "]" instead of paranthesis

(quote)(member=DrStinkypants) said: im totally fucking awesome(/quote)

or if you just want a quote that was not from a member (quote)you get the idea(/quote)
We had a good camping trip inspite of the fact that we couldn't camp at the site we wanted. Actually, all of the three sites we checked were full -- every yokel with a camper decided that the heat in town was finally too much. We were eventually welcomed at a site we wouldn't have otherwise chosen by a very gracious camp host; thanks Ranger...
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Work as we know it should be abolished. I'm all for play and leisure biggrin

The biggest problem I have with socialists, communists, and even most anarchists is their inability to see beyond work, and their failure to realize that it is "part of the problem". No offense meant to you, if you are in fact a communist


Well, maybe it's certain types of work, as many probably enjoy their work. Or perhaps it's the demonization of other types of work, due to poor compensation, or notions of class/ social stature. Though productivity and efficiency are exhalted, for me they carry negative connotations. Militaries are efficient and mechanistic in functioning; I don't think people are optimally happy when efficiency and productivity are their principle virtues in life. Maximum productivity occurs via the usage of machines and through the structuring of society as though it were all mechanism--But organisms are not mechanisms. Sorry, rambling

[Edited on Jul 28, 2005 4:31PM]

[Edited on Jul 28, 2005 4:39PM]
Tuesday is just as bad. Wednesday is worse, and Thursday is oh-so sad. And, while the eagle may fly on Friday, it tends to be the longest and least productive day of the week, because we are all dying to go out and play on Saturday.

I really thought the day-job would be liberating (relative to waiting tables) but the regularity of the standard work...
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how about "retroactive"? I like "retrodiction".
proactive bothers me because it reminds me of Prozac, and nothing good can come of that association..

I am finally begining to enjoy this site for more than the reason I joined (boobies). I have to admit, I always thought the idea of online communities was absurd, but I have found some interesting folks in the groups. I like the argumentative nature of the Philosophy group, the comradship of the Socialism-Marxism group, and the general candor in the sexually oriented groups.

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Is this a public act, or a private act? What are my intentions? For whom am I updating?


I deeply dislike my current job. The benefits are amazing, the actual work is decent -- if not mind-numbing -- and I don't have to deal with "customers" (those "people" who eat and act like horrible children in public and think they are superior to to...
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There is a Socialism/Marxism group. It looks as if you may be interested.
hey, i have you on my pending list for SGCO - please check the group page for membership reqs and our next open event.

i know we've emailed in the past - but it's been a while so i thought i'd nudge...
Weekend update: Friday, comrade's Bachelor party -- bowling, strip club (hooray for boobies); Saturday, hangover, recording, movie; Sunday, domestic labor, hiking with the fam, normal anxiety about the impending work-week, insomnia.

Are you happy Oskar?

Someday I will make a substantial entry on my journal, but today is not the day.
I accidently commented on my own journal. I ment to write a new entry. Dumbass!

[Edited on Jun 20, 2005 8:44PM]
I tride to update my journal, and explain why I hadn't done so before, when my cat decided to delete my entry. So much for my attempt a honest self expression. I'll stick to bullshit and silence, for the time being.

cats are charming that way. tongue