It is now officially the weekend, and for the first time in so long I have nothing to do, and nothing to do at all tomorrow, and it is so fucking rad! I am going to sit on the couch in my underware and play video games all night. Tomorrow I am going to sleep in, then get up and maybe do some artwork. I... Read More
Hello all, I thought I would rejoin after about 2-3 months off from the site. Still busy as and not sure how often I'll be able to get on but I am bored right this moment so thought I would come on and check out what is going on. A couple of new pics to post, two Hellboy digital paintings and a portrait of Danzig.... Read More
I lost my phone on friday, it is just a phone, but I need to find a new place in the next 2 weeks and need $1500 bond, and have to register my car which will cost me around $800, so trying to find money for a new one is just about imposible. The thing that really sucks is there was a bunch of photos... Read More
I had a rad week, MissShell and Helly came and visited me at work, MissShell is one of my best friends and it was rad to see her, I met Helly for the first time and she is super rad. I have also been doing alot of art, and have been really into digital painting, two of which were SG related pics. I am new... Read More