Oh, busy life! You know that's how I like it.
This weekend was so good. Really, it was. I worked friday night, saturday until 5, and sunday 5 to close. But in that little 24-hour gap between work on Saturday and work on Sunday, I drove to Pittsburgh with my man for the SGPGH Helloween Party.
The party was lots of fun- I got to meet a bunch of people I hadn't in real life, and of course I got to hang out with some of my favorite people I do know. Hmmm... lemme find some pics to post here... in a spoiler to keep my page under control.
These are all other people's pictures:
I took pictures, too... but I haven't barely been home. So you'll get those later.
I have to admit, though... the best part of the weekend was the drive itself. Five hours each way, alone in the car with Ray. We get along so well, even for long periods of time alone. On the way there, we talked about every subject imaginable and shared secrets of our past. We got to the party just before midnight. He wasn't as thrilled with the party as I was, cuz he didn't know barely anyone, but Aragorn97 and Nyssa made it a little easier. Afterward we went to the Holiday Inn, but couldn't find the Party. So we went back to our motel and had our own fun.
When I am drunk, I get really kinky. I won't tell details, but you shoulda seen the stuff I was getting off on. Hot.
Sunday was GORGEOUS. The drive home was just beautiful, with the trees all colors and the sky all blue. The radio that woke us up in the motel room was playing all these crazy pre-game Steelers songs, really hilarious. "I'm a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, I drink my beer out of a can..." and stupid shit like that. When we got back within Philly radio range, we put on the Eagles game just before halftime. I listened to a game for the first time, and actually got the hang of it enough that I understood what was going on. It was kind of cool, too... just when Ray said, "that's it, they aren't gonna recover," they got that crazy 65 yard touchdown and it was kind of exciting. Not that I'd call myself a football fan now all of a sudden, but I'm learning to understand the game, at least.
I even got enough sleep Sunday night that I did well on my midterm the next morning. I'm feeling quite on top of things this week.
My next dilemma is this coming Saturday night. There's a concert and three parties to go to, and I can't figure out how to go to all of them. One is local in Willow Grove, which won't get going til around midnight, another is off 95 somewhere I forget, the other is the SG Philly party you are all gonna try to talk me into going to.
I just can't make up my mind.'ve got a man now???