Whew, what a crazy week. 5 days in a row of marathon mastering sessions. But I am done and free to go to the uk. I hit the town last night with a buddy from chicago and it turned into a stitch and bitch is a good word for it. He is having some girl issues. And me not having any. So my side was...
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Back to work after a lengthy recovery from my return to the breezy lonely heights. Whew I do not drink that much and for some reason the horns came out. Woo Wee.

I am supposed to go to the UK next week, but no word from the rich guy. Kind of hoping I dont have to go. Plenty of shit to do here.

So I...
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Back in the Ray-do. Great times were had last night. I hosted a little shindig in honor of HST. Sailor Jerry turned my old ass inside out. Man I am a walking corpse today, I barely made it to the plane. Hobbling along and mumbling curses. I am sure I looked just peachy.

No incidents with the ex wife either. I did not see her,...
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You rock star, you! wink Didn't you know that February is National Be Kind to Your LIver Month? wink Guess you didn't get that memo, eh?
I know you have been a fan of my work in the past, so I figured I would let you know my new film is posted in my journal today. Come check it out before YT pulls it down.

I have ever so sexily made it to Texas. Not much work today so I am going to wander the old haunts and see where my house used to be. Dinner out in Hill country on weds with some buddies.

No Ex Wife sightings yet, I have a taser, cattle prod and a grateful dead tape in case it comes down to brass tacks.

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Smart Cars are annoying. They're all over the place in Germany. It's especially irritating when I'm looking for a parking space and just when I think I might have one, the rear-end (or lack thereof) of a damn Smart Car appears mockingly.
How are things with you these days?
Rocked the Lions Lair last night, had too much whiskey and funny cookies. Doin the Dew as I call it. Tullamore Dew. Hic.

Flying out to Austin tonight for a week, then the UK for a session at Abbey Road I got hired for. They guy is rich and always wanted to record there so wallah off we go. I built a studio for him...
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Hope your recent injuries don't act up during your 'tour'! Lol! When in Europe (if you visit Krautland) give me a holler. I may be up for an adventure. biggrin
Sounds like a good time with good work. Me misses Europe!

Ooof an epic 12 hour session is done......man I hate those. But all is good and my loose ends are tied up. I am playing a show with 4 H Royalty (Zach from Drag the River) tomorrow night at the Lions Lair in Denver and then off to Austin Tay-shus.

Fuck Valentines Day and all it's corporate cousins. I don't have one and therefore no...
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Good post! that's the first thing I've read of yours that actually provides insight into who you are!
Sounds good to me! knock myself out!
So I am off to austin next week to helm the knobs at a buddy's mastering studio next week while he takes a well deserved break from things..........

It will be interesting and I am sure my ex will get wind of me being there and try to bug me in her batshit crazy ways.

I am over it. Have been for 3 years now....
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Man, I'd trade you your so called 'icy shit hole' for our 'stinking sweat box' right now! At least you can put more clothes on coz I feel like taking off my goddamn skin... uuuggghhh!

What studio are you gonna be working at in Austin? Links please... biggrin
thank you, it was an extreme honor!
Whats the best way to deal with a really bad medical scare? Go to a comedy club. I went with some friends last night to go and see Brian Posehn. It was the perfect medicine. It was I think for once good not to have to be the funny guy and just laugh your ass off. It was a good tonic.

Then it was to...
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Rules allow us to be who we are.

The who has not fucked my sister anecdote is gold. biggrin
Oh lordy, I've just read up on your last few blogs. You've had a run of bad medical luck, haven't you. The whiskey & vicodin remedy must be working however, because you seem remarkably well adjusted at this point.

BTW, loved your little mention of the Sham Wow dude a few blogs back. Have you ever noticed that his eyes are like Marty Feldman funky? They're set crooked on his head and one is definitely bigger than the other. If I had to stand face to face with him in a conversation I'm not really sure I'd know which eye to look at. Bad form..... I'm also convinced that he has reptilian DNA. He's not fully creepy enough to make you run away, but you wouldn't want to touch him.

So I am wobbling less than I thought. Just taking it slow for now. Doc said it was a small stress fracture that was aggravated by skiing and shooting hoops too much. So I have to lay off that for a while.

For all you folks in Ft Collins I am playing at the Surfside Saturday night so if you are out and about come...
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Having a jacked up ankle can really ruin your life. I severly sprained my left ankle 5 years ago 1 week before a trip to the Bahamas for Spring Break. I was wobbling around Nassau in an air cast! I feel your pain.
Boo to pain, yay to pain killers! feel better, dear.
So a convincing phone call made a check appear. I said I would put a lein against his business. So that is done with. No Business with him again.

Looks like I may need a walking cast for a bit the Doc so sayeth. So I have to cancel trips to europe and new zealand. I'll move em to april/may. Yep I am pissed.

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