I need somone with a beautiful imagination to supply some adventure. I'm all out right now. Apply within...
ok ok. i will go to amsterdamn with you biggrin

oakville...quite the comedian huh? wink
happy bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin
Hey. So SGB is hitting Toronto. I'm hoping to hit Lee's after I get off work, so I haven't bought my tix yet. Heard conflicting reports: that it's sold out, and that it's only half sold. Guess I'll just try. Don't know shit about burlesque, but then do you have to?
Hey. What are you doing here? Do you know anything about economics? I'm writing a story (sf, or speculative if you prefer) about the end of a society based on money, currency, capitalism, really. Is there a good book or expert out there who could paint the basics for me? Just wondering...

To all the T.O. kids, have fun at the prom. Maybe next year...
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You may be interested in reading Market Forces by Richard Morgan (of Altered Carbon and Broken Angels Fame). That's a SF novel about capitalism and big business. Slightly OTT in places but a good read.
New Modest Mouse album (and the live bootleg, and the stickers, and the poster -- I'm a sucker for a good deal) heading my way by post. Very excited. But then I'm a dork...

Spent the day getting my wireless router to work with the iBook, so now I can look at SG sets from the comfort of my couch ... while watching English soccer...
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that is a great profile pic!!!!! thanks for joining my soccer group. i'm so glad everyone is digging on it. if you ever need anything int there let me know.
Here's what I want to do: write, produce and direct a movie called The Passion of the Non-Believer. In it, our hero, let's call him John Christmas, attempts to avoid the maniacs on all sides of religion debates -- the Islamic extremists who hate life in all its forms; the Christian bigots who love life as long as it is lived the way they think...
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Rule 1: never buy sushi on sale
Rule 2: never follow a blood trail
Rule 3: never wear sunglasses at night; also, never listen to songs that promote wearing sunglasses at night
nice set of rulez...ones to die by fa sure.

Ummm...the photos that were at prefix are by a guy named Wang Qingsong.
It would be so wicked rad to go gallery hopping in NY.
What I would give.
I was going to plan a trip for my reading week...and then I spent all my money on beer, weed and beer.

Maybe this summer???
Hey. Been off here for a while, and a nice surprise when I get back (in addition to all the great sets) is being included in SGCanada. Very cool (or cold, depending on the windchill).

So work has found a way to block SG and a bunch of other interesting sites, some with a bit of a sexy kick, others just good time-wasters. Hate that...
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thanks for the candids...now add more!!!! wink
happy holidays
Countdown clock to personal and professional joy: 31 days

2004 should be good. Will be good.
Great even. Can you feel it? Well, probably not -- bit New Age that feeling stuff. But things are lining up nicely, even if the Democratic hopefuls seem a bit hopeless.
Shhh. I'm hiding from my novel. I'm playing video games, watching DVDs, reading non-fiction, and working a job that pays. Will I go back to it? Yes. But you need to flee sometimes. In the middle of it, when you do anything but write you feel guilty, as if you've left your child at the mall. Just let me win a few more Tiger Woods...
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yes oh so famous! tongue

the spotlight was okay for that one day. i blushed a whole lot. it took me a while to gather up the courage to actually look at my set and the comments. heh. eep.
They've been recording their new cd for about a year now and are looking for a new bassist right now. If you go back a couple journal enteries of mine there's a link to clips of 2 of the new songs
Enjoying all the new sets. Seriously, the Canadian government should be sponsoring this site --- it is the best public relations tool of all time! Beautiful Canadian women abound...
hey i know this is late, but happy birthday to you too. my internets been down so i'll use that as an excuse to my lateness. tongue