If you are interested in going skiing/snowboarding on Jan. 7th, click here.
This is strangely entertaining. There are other episodes as well.
I wasn't going to do one of these, but a few people have requested for me to do so, so here......
Quiz time bitches!
Well, I figured I'd finally take the time to do what I said I was going to do months ago, and give some props to all my SG friends. What better way to end the year? Pardon me if I don't articulate very well. I just woke up from a late night of drinking, drugs, and sex.... ok, minus the sex part, but oh well. At least I don't have a hangover, but I suppose that awaits tomorrow. Heh.
Below is a list of all members on my friends' list, and a sentence or two (maybe more), of the impression that they've had on me during my tenure as a member of SG. Feel free to peep out and say hello to anyone you may find interesting (if you so choose to read through the long-ass entry ahead). I consider myself somewhat extroverted, and I like to propagate new relations with others. Also feel free to leave a similar little blurb for me, if you want. Or you could put it in my testimonials, as I will probably take some of the entries below from the one's I left for some of you. That's pretty much what I'm doing, but en masse. Some of you I just met, so I will do my best! I have a fairly good memory, for a pothead....
666monkey- Hasn't been around much lately, but if I were remodeling a house and doing all the cool active stuff he does, I wouldn't be either. I'd like to meet him for an outdoor adventure sometime!
Abgitatz- I met him at the Philly SG burlesque show. He's a wild and crazy cat! He likes to talk politics too, but I won't hold that against him!
Agent- Cool guy. His journals can be quite entertaining. He has that artistic flair! Maybe I can catch a hockey game with him when I visit Cali again.
Allied- Intelligent and active member of society. He likes hockey too, so he's cool in my book.
Amory- A true sweetheart and good friend. Always has a kind word for a troubled soul. Golden.
Anika- Latina cutie who seems to be a lot of fun. Someone of genuine and profound thought.
Anton- An Austrailian journalist who is really into the music scene. Aussie's fucking rule!
aragorn97- This guy is fun to hang out with! A real party animal who is always down for anything. His antics can only be described as hilarious!
artiekgb- He was born a day before me. He's kinda quiet, but once you get to chill with him for a while you'll discover a really cool guy. Lazer tag bitches!
Azrael_Abyss- SurfBetty's partner in crime. They've been causing a ruckus ever since she got back from... Germany, was it? Seems like a lot of fun.
Bella420- Ex-bank employee (I hated working for one too.). She looooves her some SG's and those damn Avalanche.
I'd like to catch a hockey game in Denver with her when the Penguins are in town, and we could taunt each other the whole time!
BlaueMinxAugen- Awesome member name! I like to dabble in learning German. One day I stumbled across her name and had to check it out. I don't regret it. She's a strong and level-headed girl.
Boygeorgeismymom- Ms. popularity herself! It seems as if her name is on everyone's friends list. Crazy girl with lots of good qualities.
Brandy- Hot
catherinewheel69- Clutch fan. She's really sweet and loves to leave
faces in her posts. So cute. I get the impression that she can be a bad girl when she wants.
causus- I know he works out in the ocean on oil rigs, but not quite sure what it is he does. I'd love to have a job that lets me travel! Seems like a cool guy I'd like to smoke a bowl with.
ccfoo- Crazy dude with a witty sense of humor! His Photoshop'd pictures make me howl sometimes.
chrisalis- Someone I've known for quite some time, even before SG. We don't get to hang out much, but I wold love to see her again soon. Last we partied together, she helped HrlyQuinn doctor me up. Plus, she's a massage therapist (don't you dare say masseuse!)!
Clover- Real pretty girl. Sweet as candy, cold as ice.
Coliwali- The Lego man pic sucked me in. He's thoughtful and intelligent.... no wonder he's in college.
crazedlunatik- A fellow worker in the land of call centers. He likes his bunnies and has a wild sense of humor.
Crazy88- I only met him once, breifly. Seems pretty chill and laid-back. The owner of our wonderful SGDE group.
Destro- Threw one helluva Halloween party in the 'Burgh area. He owns the SG Pitt group. Gotta have love for someone who shares their Jagermeister with you! His mohawk rocks!
djagent- I think he works in a winter pro shop. He's the person you'd want to talk to when it comes to snowboarding equipment.
DodRaibeid- What can I say, this guy rocks! Has the best stories and a great sense of humor. He can grab the attention of a whole room, if he wanted to. Plus, I work with him.
donkeypunch- Dig the name. Cool guy who reminds me of one of my real-life friends. He's not around much anymore.
Dragonchylde- Beware, this girl will kick your ass! She's into woking out and Tae Kwon Do, but she's really sweet, an angel even.
EyesOfaTragedy- She's a real doll and has totally gorgeous candid photos! A true sweetheart I'm glad to call "friend".
Ghoulish- Met him at the P-burgh Halloween party. Totally raucous and fun guy!
GinaCherry- She posts hot and racy stories in her journal from time to time.
She's been busy with school and stuff, but always seems to make time for friends somehow. Awesome.
girly- Haven't gotten to know her that well, but she reminds me of a hip retro pin-up girl... if that makes any sense. I do hope she gets her wish!
Godsmoker- I'm a dork.
Goob- Her name says it all... well, at least I understand anyway! The prettiest ladybug I've ever met! Awsome, free-spirited chick! Lotsa fun to hang out with and rarely has anything negative to say..... unless you piss her off. Great host too!
Gracie- Just made acquaintences recently. Seems really nice, maybe we can go out for drinks sometime with the SGDE group.
HrlyQuinn- Sweet and caring. She was so kind to help doctor me when I was bleeding from my chin after an accident at her boyfriend's party. Even though I barely remember it. Hopefully, I will be able to maintain tonight.
IndustrialPet- Hot candids! She's really cool and friendly.
inky- He has some of the most perplexing journal entries, but they're always fun. I dig people with a crazy and random sense of humor. I remember Colonel Angus!
InYourDreams- We haven't spoken much, but she seems like a very sweet girl.
Jill- Awesome girl who does people's hair at shows, and gets to hang with rockstars! Has a true love and connection with music. She's a cool online friend, and is a hot SG. I would love to roll up a fat blunt and share it with her!!
kaitee- A pretty girl who loves the ganj! Great combo.
LieLock- Cool chick. The only time we hung out, I crashed out in a chair after smoking some weed.
LillithVain- My newest SG friend. Not only is she gorgeous, but one hell of a writer!
LiLMiSsMorBiD- I love her pics that she posts in my journal! She has the best sense of humor! I want to visit her one time and see her do her thing at the club, maybe even smoke some green too! Great friend to have.
Lingus- He seems like a pretty crazy and cool guy. He's an auto mechanic who takes pride in his work, rare these days in the world of 'quick-fixes'. I wonder where he's been lately.
littledeaddoll- A mystery to me. We've posted maybe once or twice to each other. She likes a lot of cool goth stuff. She knows of Razed in Black!
LittleLolita- Don't know her well, but we have the same hometown! From what I can tell, she's a very sweet and caring person to the people she loves. Wouldn't mind getting to know her better. Maybe I can play weed man if I ever get a chance to visit Cali again!
MasterBrian- A road constuction worker who like his girls submissive!
Pretty cool guy. Never met him, but wouldn't mind having some drinks sometime with him and the rest of SGDE.
Mle- She's a true sweetheart and is almost always positive and cheery! I've only hung out with her a few times but damn is it contaigous and makes the whole room that much brighter. Maybe she'll find the time to come out more often.
mpphoto- Funny guy. He gets to photograph hot naked women... so jealous. I was his honorary assistant for a day during Clover's shoot. The day Gadget taped me to a chair...... good times!
muse25- Gotta be one of the most entertaining girls on the planet! Her alias definitley fits. I wonder if she tries to be so amusing or if it just comes naturally? Take a peek at her journals and you won't be disappointed, plus she's pretty hot too!
Mythony- My first friend on SG. Really cool and down to Earth guy. He loves music, and I hope he does well with it. His nostalgia posts bring back memories!
NatasKaput- A snowboard instructor from Minny. I would love to have his job! I bet he gets all the snow-bunnies.
Really awesome dude, and owner of the snowboarding group.
neverforever- We go back quite a few years, although I didn't start haninging out with him semi-regularly until a couple years ago. He knows what he wants and when he wants it, a really true-to-himself kind of person. If you're his friend, he's really cool. If not.... well, let's just say you don't want to be on his bad side.
Nightmares- Another friend with great candids! She's not afraid of anything and has that twisted sense of humor I find so intriguing.
oldskoolpat- One of my best friends! We go waaaaaaaaay back. We've been through some trials during our friendship, but no matter what, we always seem to put the petty shit aside. He's always been a good host and opens his home to all of us misfits. Many parties and interesting situations. You never know what you're going to get when you visit Pat, except for a great screensaver and a guy that loves girl's feet.
OshaReign- One of my newer friends. She's a photgrapher from Canada who should be photographed herself! Beautiful girl with lots of cool ink! Canadians rock!
piXilated101- A guy with a fairly serious demeanor. He likes to workout and is very health-concsious. He once did a three-stage race (swimming, biking, and running) and completed it!
PlasticMick- A pretty cool guy from NYC. He recently went to Amsterdam... damn, I'm envious. Maybe we could convince him to get back on a snowboard...
quietlythere- I haven't known him that long, and I first met him at the Philly SG burleque show. A good friend who's always willing to help. That is a rarity in today's world of selfish fucks. Plus, he's got cool toys!
raen- I haven't met him in person...yet, but he's seems pretty chill. I know he does photography in the San Fransisco area, and has a hot tub at his pad! Lookin' forward to smokin' out with this guy sometime, when he visits Jersey again.
Ravens_Draven- Crazy girl! But this is a good thing. She's pretty wild and is an extrovert, plus she almost always leaves me kissy faces in my journal! Recently moved to Washington state, and I hope all is well.
Rochelle- A beauty from the Brix.... well maybe not but it sounded good. She knows how to kiss from what I've read, and she has such pouty lips!
She's not shallow at all and has deep thoughts. I'd like to meet her someday.
SarahD- My newest friend, and she's new to SG. Don't know much about her, but that may soon change. Go say hi to her if you want to.
SarcasticMenace- I absolutely adore this girl! She's the sweetest thing and has a very smart-ass sense of humor, which is good. A sweet and sexy phone voice too! I would not mind meeting her one day.
SeaCeeMe- The candid queen! She's very nice and friendly, and seems like a lot of fun to hang out with.
Shera- This girl is WILD! She's a lot of fun to be around and doesn't take shit from anyone! I remember the night in Philly when she and Stormy pissed on my car, it was hilarious! I would definitely vote for her as the preisdent of all SG's.
slip- A pretty cool guy who genuinely cares about the state of the world. He likes to spin (DJ) when not working in the world of the judicial sysetem, and he seems to be up to speed on current events.
smoalne- He is one of my co-workers, as well as friend, and one crazy and eccentric dude. He is almost always down for anything, and is a really cool cat. He even comes snowboarding with us!
Sorcha- Another member I met at the Pittsburgh Halloween party, albeit just saying "Hi.". She seems really sweet, but I bet there's a dark mysterious side lurking under that seemingly innocent exterior.
A fellow hockey lover as well!
stiggy- Cool, reserved, intelligent, and he's got dreads! Although, I haven't spoken with this guy in a while. He's probably busy with his website, which you may want to check out. Hopefully, he's doing good!
Storey- Intelligent and thoughtful, with a lot on his mind. He's a genuine person and good friend (even if it is only online).
stormdawg- Just made acquaintences recently. Seems cool, but the jury's still out on that..... heh. Maybe I'll get a chance to meet and converse at an SGDE event.
supergp- A smart college student who should be very successful one day. He just needs some cheering up from time to time. Keep grinding it out, it will be worth it!
SurfBetty- Dude, there's not enough room here to describe how awesome this chicka is! I guess that's because we like a lot of the same things, including Mary!
The stories I hear about when she goes out are pretty entertaining. Tearin' shit up with Azrael_Abyss. She's a total babe and has a cool personality! You still owe me a personalized pic of the 'birdie'!
TeenageSuperstar- This is my UK friend. He's a good person who seems to understand the value of friendship. He's kinda random in his thought process, but so am I, to an extent. GMTA? If I ever visit Europe, I'd like to catch a football (Soccer, for us Americans) game with this bloke!
TheDishwasher- A sweet girl that's true to her feelings.
Tori- She's a riot! I've hung out with her in large groups of other people. This SG is one wild and crazy girl. She can cause a ruckus almost instantly.... by herself! Bootyshake!
TwoToner- He reminds me of a skinny Elvis, well at least his hair does. A fellow hockey lover, plus he's a referee for hockey games! If he weren't so busy travelling and refing, he could come out and play some street hockey with us! Really cool guy.
xhavokx- A sweetheart with some righteous ink! Plus, she likes to snowboard too!
Zagnuts- I'm not even sure if this guy is around anymore, but his member name cracks me up!
Holy shit! That took a while. I promise to never have an entry that long again, unless it's filled with pictures.
Now, to comment to all of you before I head out for the weekend.
This is strangely entertaining. There are other episodes as well.

I wasn't going to do one of these, but a few people have requested for me to do so, so here......
Quiz time bitches!
Well, I figured I'd finally take the time to do what I said I was going to do months ago, and give some props to all my SG friends. What better way to end the year? Pardon me if I don't articulate very well. I just woke up from a late night of drinking, drugs, and sex.... ok, minus the sex part, but oh well. At least I don't have a hangover, but I suppose that awaits tomorrow. Heh.
Below is a list of all members on my friends' list, and a sentence or two (maybe more), of the impression that they've had on me during my tenure as a member of SG. Feel free to peep out and say hello to anyone you may find interesting (if you so choose to read through the long-ass entry ahead). I consider myself somewhat extroverted, and I like to propagate new relations with others. Also feel free to leave a similar little blurb for me, if you want. Or you could put it in my testimonials, as I will probably take some of the entries below from the one's I left for some of you. That's pretty much what I'm doing, but en masse. Some of you I just met, so I will do my best! I have a fairly good memory, for a pothead....

666monkey- Hasn't been around much lately, but if I were remodeling a house and doing all the cool active stuff he does, I wouldn't be either. I'd like to meet him for an outdoor adventure sometime!
Abgitatz- I met him at the Philly SG burlesque show. He's a wild and crazy cat! He likes to talk politics too, but I won't hold that against him!

Agent- Cool guy. His journals can be quite entertaining. He has that artistic flair! Maybe I can catch a hockey game with him when I visit Cali again.
Allied- Intelligent and active member of society. He likes hockey too, so he's cool in my book.
Amory- A true sweetheart and good friend. Always has a kind word for a troubled soul. Golden.
Anika- Latina cutie who seems to be a lot of fun. Someone of genuine and profound thought.
Anton- An Austrailian journalist who is really into the music scene. Aussie's fucking rule!
aragorn97- This guy is fun to hang out with! A real party animal who is always down for anything. His antics can only be described as hilarious!

artiekgb- He was born a day before me. He's kinda quiet, but once you get to chill with him for a while you'll discover a really cool guy. Lazer tag bitches!
Azrael_Abyss- SurfBetty's partner in crime. They've been causing a ruckus ever since she got back from... Germany, was it? Seems like a lot of fun.
Bella420- Ex-bank employee (I hated working for one too.). She looooves her some SG's and those damn Avalanche.

BlaueMinxAugen- Awesome member name! I like to dabble in learning German. One day I stumbled across her name and had to check it out. I don't regret it. She's a strong and level-headed girl.
Boygeorgeismymom- Ms. popularity herself! It seems as if her name is on everyone's friends list. Crazy girl with lots of good qualities.
Brandy- Hot

catherinewheel69- Clutch fan. She's really sweet and loves to leave

causus- I know he works out in the ocean on oil rigs, but not quite sure what it is he does. I'd love to have a job that lets me travel! Seems like a cool guy I'd like to smoke a bowl with.
ccfoo- Crazy dude with a witty sense of humor! His Photoshop'd pictures make me howl sometimes.

chrisalis- Someone I've known for quite some time, even before SG. We don't get to hang out much, but I wold love to see her again soon. Last we partied together, she helped HrlyQuinn doctor me up. Plus, she's a massage therapist (don't you dare say masseuse!)!
Clover- Real pretty girl. Sweet as candy, cold as ice.
Coliwali- The Lego man pic sucked me in. He's thoughtful and intelligent.... no wonder he's in college.
crazedlunatik- A fellow worker in the land of call centers. He likes his bunnies and has a wild sense of humor.
Crazy88- I only met him once, breifly. Seems pretty chill and laid-back. The owner of our wonderful SGDE group.
Destro- Threw one helluva Halloween party in the 'Burgh area. He owns the SG Pitt group. Gotta have love for someone who shares their Jagermeister with you! His mohawk rocks!
djagent- I think he works in a winter pro shop. He's the person you'd want to talk to when it comes to snowboarding equipment.
DodRaibeid- What can I say, this guy rocks! Has the best stories and a great sense of humor. He can grab the attention of a whole room, if he wanted to. Plus, I work with him.

donkeypunch- Dig the name. Cool guy who reminds me of one of my real-life friends. He's not around much anymore.
Dragonchylde- Beware, this girl will kick your ass! She's into woking out and Tae Kwon Do, but she's really sweet, an angel even.
EyesOfaTragedy- She's a real doll and has totally gorgeous candid photos! A true sweetheart I'm glad to call "friend".
Ghoulish- Met him at the P-burgh Halloween party. Totally raucous and fun guy!
GinaCherry- She posts hot and racy stories in her journal from time to time.

girly- Haven't gotten to know her that well, but she reminds me of a hip retro pin-up girl... if that makes any sense. I do hope she gets her wish!
Godsmoker- I'm a dork.

Goob- Her name says it all... well, at least I understand anyway! The prettiest ladybug I've ever met! Awsome, free-spirited chick! Lotsa fun to hang out with and rarely has anything negative to say..... unless you piss her off. Great host too!
Gracie- Just made acquaintences recently. Seems really nice, maybe we can go out for drinks sometime with the SGDE group.
HrlyQuinn- Sweet and caring. She was so kind to help doctor me when I was bleeding from my chin after an accident at her boyfriend's party. Even though I barely remember it. Hopefully, I will be able to maintain tonight.
IndustrialPet- Hot candids! She's really cool and friendly.
inky- He has some of the most perplexing journal entries, but they're always fun. I dig people with a crazy and random sense of humor. I remember Colonel Angus!

InYourDreams- We haven't spoken much, but she seems like a very sweet girl.
Jill- Awesome girl who does people's hair at shows, and gets to hang with rockstars! Has a true love and connection with music. She's a cool online friend, and is a hot SG. I would love to roll up a fat blunt and share it with her!!
kaitee- A pretty girl who loves the ganj! Great combo.
LieLock- Cool chick. The only time we hung out, I crashed out in a chair after smoking some weed.

LillithVain- My newest SG friend. Not only is she gorgeous, but one hell of a writer!
LiLMiSsMorBiD- I love her pics that she posts in my journal! She has the best sense of humor! I want to visit her one time and see her do her thing at the club, maybe even smoke some green too! Great friend to have.
Lingus- He seems like a pretty crazy and cool guy. He's an auto mechanic who takes pride in his work, rare these days in the world of 'quick-fixes'. I wonder where he's been lately.
littledeaddoll- A mystery to me. We've posted maybe once or twice to each other. She likes a lot of cool goth stuff. She knows of Razed in Black!
LittleLolita- Don't know her well, but we have the same hometown! From what I can tell, she's a very sweet and caring person to the people she loves. Wouldn't mind getting to know her better. Maybe I can play weed man if I ever get a chance to visit Cali again!

MasterBrian- A road constuction worker who like his girls submissive!

Mle- She's a true sweetheart and is almost always positive and cheery! I've only hung out with her a few times but damn is it contaigous and makes the whole room that much brighter. Maybe she'll find the time to come out more often.

mpphoto- Funny guy. He gets to photograph hot naked women... so jealous. I was his honorary assistant for a day during Clover's shoot. The day Gadget taped me to a chair...... good times!
muse25- Gotta be one of the most entertaining girls on the planet! Her alias definitley fits. I wonder if she tries to be so amusing or if it just comes naturally? Take a peek at her journals and you won't be disappointed, plus she's pretty hot too!
Mythony- My first friend on SG. Really cool and down to Earth guy. He loves music, and I hope he does well with it. His nostalgia posts bring back memories!
NatasKaput- A snowboard instructor from Minny. I would love to have his job! I bet he gets all the snow-bunnies.

neverforever- We go back quite a few years, although I didn't start haninging out with him semi-regularly until a couple years ago. He knows what he wants and when he wants it, a really true-to-himself kind of person. If you're his friend, he's really cool. If not.... well, let's just say you don't want to be on his bad side.

Nightmares- Another friend with great candids! She's not afraid of anything and has that twisted sense of humor I find so intriguing.
oldskoolpat- One of my best friends! We go waaaaaaaaay back. We've been through some trials during our friendship, but no matter what, we always seem to put the petty shit aside. He's always been a good host and opens his home to all of us misfits. Many parties and interesting situations. You never know what you're going to get when you visit Pat, except for a great screensaver and a guy that loves girl's feet.

OshaReign- One of my newer friends. She's a photgrapher from Canada who should be photographed herself! Beautiful girl with lots of cool ink! Canadians rock!
piXilated101- A guy with a fairly serious demeanor. He likes to workout and is very health-concsious. He once did a three-stage race (swimming, biking, and running) and completed it!

PlasticMick- A pretty cool guy from NYC. He recently went to Amsterdam... damn, I'm envious. Maybe we could convince him to get back on a snowboard...
quietlythere- I haven't known him that long, and I first met him at the Philly SG burleque show. A good friend who's always willing to help. That is a rarity in today's world of selfish fucks. Plus, he's got cool toys!

raen- I haven't met him in person...yet, but he's seems pretty chill. I know he does photography in the San Fransisco area, and has a hot tub at his pad! Lookin' forward to smokin' out with this guy sometime, when he visits Jersey again.
Ravens_Draven- Crazy girl! But this is a good thing. She's pretty wild and is an extrovert, plus she almost always leaves me kissy faces in my journal! Recently moved to Washington state, and I hope all is well.

Rochelle- A beauty from the Brix.... well maybe not but it sounded good. She knows how to kiss from what I've read, and she has such pouty lips!

SarahD- My newest friend, and she's new to SG. Don't know much about her, but that may soon change. Go say hi to her if you want to.
SarcasticMenace- I absolutely adore this girl! She's the sweetest thing and has a very smart-ass sense of humor, which is good. A sweet and sexy phone voice too! I would not mind meeting her one day.
SeaCeeMe- The candid queen! She's very nice and friendly, and seems like a lot of fun to hang out with.
Shera- This girl is WILD! She's a lot of fun to be around and doesn't take shit from anyone! I remember the night in Philly when she and Stormy pissed on my car, it was hilarious! I would definitely vote for her as the preisdent of all SG's.

slip- A pretty cool guy who genuinely cares about the state of the world. He likes to spin (DJ) when not working in the world of the judicial sysetem, and he seems to be up to speed on current events.
smoalne- He is one of my co-workers, as well as friend, and one crazy and eccentric dude. He is almost always down for anything, and is a really cool cat. He even comes snowboarding with us!
Sorcha- Another member I met at the Pittsburgh Halloween party, albeit just saying "Hi.". She seems really sweet, but I bet there's a dark mysterious side lurking under that seemingly innocent exterior.

stiggy- Cool, reserved, intelligent, and he's got dreads! Although, I haven't spoken with this guy in a while. He's probably busy with his website, which you may want to check out. Hopefully, he's doing good!
Storey- Intelligent and thoughtful, with a lot on his mind. He's a genuine person and good friend (even if it is only online).
stormdawg- Just made acquaintences recently. Seems cool, but the jury's still out on that..... heh. Maybe I'll get a chance to meet and converse at an SGDE event.
supergp- A smart college student who should be very successful one day. He just needs some cheering up from time to time. Keep grinding it out, it will be worth it!
SurfBetty- Dude, there's not enough room here to describe how awesome this chicka is! I guess that's because we like a lot of the same things, including Mary!

TeenageSuperstar- This is my UK friend. He's a good person who seems to understand the value of friendship. He's kinda random in his thought process, but so am I, to an extent. GMTA? If I ever visit Europe, I'd like to catch a football (Soccer, for us Americans) game with this bloke!
TheDishwasher- A sweet girl that's true to her feelings.

Tori- She's a riot! I've hung out with her in large groups of other people. This SG is one wild and crazy girl. She can cause a ruckus almost instantly.... by herself! Bootyshake!
TwoToner- He reminds me of a skinny Elvis, well at least his hair does. A fellow hockey lover, plus he's a referee for hockey games! If he weren't so busy travelling and refing, he could come out and play some street hockey with us! Really cool guy.
xhavokx- A sweetheart with some righteous ink! Plus, she likes to snowboard too!
Zagnuts- I'm not even sure if this guy is around anymore, but his member name cracks me up!
Holy shit! That took a while. I promise to never have an entry that long again, unless it's filled with pictures.

Now, to comment to all of you before I head out for the weekend.
And yourself?