I think the key to a good life is balance. Making sure you have the right amount of good and bad, work and play. Not equal parts mind you but the right amounts, to provide balance to a person. To help one realize life is not a terrible thing but that it can't be a party all the time. Thats what I've been thinking about...
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i'm all about balance, it just always feel that the bad outweighs the good... only in bad times though. in good times, life is fabulous
I totally feel you. Its hard sometimes to see beyond the current circumstance. But its possible and usually helpful.
I am way too good at putting my foot in my mouth.

And I feel remorse for my slip of the tounge.

And I'm very angry to know that no matter what I do for you, you manage to make it all for nothing.
I"m a major screw-up. Already I'm falling behind in school. And my group isn't going to put up with it much longer. I need to get my life in order.

Things to spend more time on/with:
- God
- Music

Things I need to better manage:
- Money
- Time

Okay I'm kinda a all over the board here.
Okay I've been wanting to...
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Its a new era of hell
Okay this will be an updating of sorts for those not in the know.
I've been spending alot of my time with I fine young woman named Jessy. Right now, we mainly talk about everything all the time. I don't know how far things will go, but I can honestly say I've never felt such a freedom as I...
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This is to you.

I hate you. No matter how hard I try to be your friend, something about you just pisses me off. I don't know what. But at this point, I don't see a point in trying to be anything with you, when you can't fucking figure a damn thing out. You're a whore. You're afraid of being alone so you go out...
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Thank you for the validation. So how are you?
i'll drink to that.
So, its Friday night and I am sitting at my house. Well Its really Friday afternoon. But I'm still at my house.

Its been the first week of school already. SO far, its been alright. MY prof said I could try senior design again and I actually don't have to re-register. Meaning I won't have to pay again. Which is a blessing beyond words. And...
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I really HATE that I'm not a girl. Their clothes are so much better and more cute! Damn my penis!
no prob!!
If I were a boy It just wouldn't work...I love high heels too much! lol...not that I need them at 5'11"