i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkk!
just a short entry to say hello before i crash into my own bed finally...
and so... what happened to the site while i was gone??
it looks mad cool, but i'm really confuzzled...
fuck, camping is the most amazingly stupid fun thing ever.
i hadn't been for years since my elementary school/girl guide days.
i definately need to go again.
soon. really...
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just a short entry to say hello before i crash into my own bed finally...
and so... what happened to the site while i was gone??
it looks mad cool, but i'm really confuzzled...
fuck, camping is the most amazingly stupid fun thing ever.
i hadn't been for years since my elementary school/girl guide days.
i definately need to go again.
soon. really...
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I'm glad I could make you laugh a bit. Always a good thing.
I havent been camping in forever! It looks like fun! =)
Hey... this is just a general call out to everyone... if you know of anyone here on SG who is from/lives in Moose Jaw or Saskatoon or area, can you let me know? I need some more MJ and Stoon SG friends...
So yesterday kinda sucked, but I got through it... my girlfriend cooked supper and then we sat and watched movies and got pleasantly...
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So yesterday kinda sucked, but I got through it... my girlfriend cooked supper and then we sat and watched movies and got pleasantly...
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YOU HAVE BEEN SEXED! Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends who you think don't get much lovin' (or maybe they do!) and, SEX THEM! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!) This is for any one you think is hot! RULES: 1- You can sex the person who sexed you, of course. 2- You can sex the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!* 3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy! 4- You should sex in public! Be adventurous, damnit. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty! 5- Random sex is perfectly okay! 6- Please, don't worry about same gender sexing, it's HOT. 7- You should most definately get started fuckin' right away! This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!) Please dont take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!

Oh Ginners your are special, You survived MJ just like me.
Lets get drunk when you get back. I'll make ya a sandwhich or something...or maybe ahuge Thanks Giving steak like a year or so ago that would be awsome. Anyways, laters hun.
Lets get drunk when you get back. I'll make ya a sandwhich or something...or maybe ahuge Thanks Giving steak like a year or so ago that would be awsome. Anyways, laters hun.
I hate late at night. Really. Alone. GAHHHH. My little sister seems to be ignoring me these days... why? I need her. Maybe I'm just reading too much into nothing.
"Offenses Between Us"- Filmmaker
(one of the few bands that I actually really have a deep abiding love for, and whom I wish did not ever break up as they could and would have gone...
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"Offenses Between Us"- Filmmaker
(one of the few bands that I actually really have a deep abiding love for, and whom I wish did not ever break up as they could and would have gone...
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Late at night does suck... too much time to think. I swear the majority of the sad thoughts I have come after 11:00pm
My tests went fine, thanks for your post! I do have 2 girls actually, their names are Emma and Claudia
They will be my Valentines this year since I am all alone
Try not to read too much into things like the situation with your sis; it's easy to look at things the wrong way when you are down to begin with - I should know, I am the queen of reading to much into things. Maybe it's just because I read too much
And I feel you pain about the food! I am terrible for eating out of boredom or depression (or both), and it's a hard habit to break. I try to eat raisins when I get in that kind of state (which is too often for my liking).
Finally, no you are not a selfish bitch! You are merely human with problems of your own - never feel bad about venting on me, I'm sure I do it all the time!

My tests went fine, thanks for your post! I do have 2 girls actually, their names are Emma and Claudia

Try not to read too much into things like the situation with your sis; it's easy to look at things the wrong way when you are down to begin with - I should know, I am the queen of reading to much into things. Maybe it's just because I read too much

And I feel you pain about the food! I am terrible for eating out of boredom or depression (or both), and it's a hard habit to break. I try to eat raisins when I get in that kind of state (which is too often for my liking).
Finally, no you are not a selfish bitch! You are merely human with problems of your own - never feel bad about venting on me, I'm sure I do it all the time!

It seems my entire life is late at night. In that sense I've grown really used to it.
Sometimes I like the idea that I'm the only one around.

Sometimes I like the idea that I'm the only one around.
n/a... I screwed up.
are you sure?
I'm going to apply to UBC... not that I'll get in. But when did it ever hurt? I want to be in Van anyways eventually, and I guess the earlier the better if things actually worked out. Wow, that concept blows my mind. I can't even fathom living in Vancouver within the next year, but it would so fucking rock to do so.
Other good...
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Other good...
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goodluck hun.

man. watching kereoke is effin' amazing.
I'm not even in the mood to update... but here's a massive hello to everyone. Did you miss me? Wonder where my thrice daily posts were? Ya, I did too, I was getting worried that I died or something. Maybe I just got less annoying. Motherfuck I'm tired... what else is new?
I really really really wanna go to Warped Tour in Calgary this summer,...
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I really really really wanna go to Warped Tour in Calgary this summer,...
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Hey you! I would love to get together if you are in MJ! Maybe we can even kidnap Rodent to go with us. As for the nursing thing.......I think that you should do it
I have a weak stomach and I am going back in for it. I have my PCP and let me tell you that if it is somthing that you are not sure of wanting to do, then don't do that program cause it is massive hard! I have it for the military, and had a tough time. Anyways, just let me know when you wanna get together and then I can give you my phone #


I don't know anything about Nursing programs in Sask but here they're cheap and always open. You could do a joint Bachelor with my school (red river college) and u manitoba or just go for your BN at the UofM or UofW.. I know plenty of people who've done it. Good shits here
As for being a paramedic, a friend from high school did that to pay her way through university. It's a great job, if you can a) find work and b) get through all the testing... apparently it's a bitchasstwatload of work to be all qualified.. of course, I'm just rambling and you probably know most of this
As for Valentines day: Fuck it! I, too, have been screwed over hard on V-Day's throughout life so I just say fuck it. I'm going to stay home with my cat, a ton of movies and a whole lotta something intoxicating and just alternate between the three. Boo Valentine's Day!

As for Valentines day: Fuck it! I, too, have been screwed over hard on V-Day's throughout life so I just say fuck it. I'm going to stay home with my cat, a ton of movies and a whole lotta something intoxicating and just alternate between the three. Boo Valentine's Day!
"Better that you should forget and smile, than that you should remember and be sad."
-some good random quote from my gay psych text... but oh so true, and oh so going to happen.
When my thoughts are collected and the dust has settled... I'll rant again as is my nature. But words are just not my friends at the moment. *gasp of surprise* Shit...
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-some good random quote from my gay psych text... but oh so true, and oh so going to happen.
When my thoughts are collected and the dust has settled... I'll rant again as is my nature. But words are just not my friends at the moment. *gasp of surprise* Shit...
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Awwwww - Thanks hun I feel better already
Looking forward to seeing you at Lame's party - I am a real fun girl you know

Looking forward to seeing you at Lame's party - I am a real fun girl you know


wow ur twisted and have a black soul. those were funny as hell. and im twisted too.

I found out just now that last night, my mom was suicidal and called 9-1-1. The police came to my parents house in the middle of the night. Do suicidal people call for help like that? I'm feeling kinda shocked right now. Fuck.
And she won't talk to me... just tells me that she's "not ok". My going to be there with her isn't going...
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And she won't talk to me... just tells me that she's "not ok". My going to be there with her isn't going...
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I am so amazed to finally hear (or read, whatever) that they are a FIGHTER! Kudos to you!
I'm terribly sorry to hear about your mom, and I hope that things get better in your family life so you can all enjoy the good stuff that is out there, but hard to find. (sorry if that made no sense).
I'm terribly sorry to hear about your mom, and I hope that things get better in your family life so you can all enjoy the good stuff that is out there, but hard to find. (sorry if that made no sense).

So despite everything, and despite how completely irritated I am with the state of my world and the majority of the people in it (note majority, not all), how the hell do I manage to be so fucking horny today?
I'm tired of the "box" cliche. If I use it again or often, please remind me to kick my own ass.
Props to Clidna for...
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I'm tired of the "box" cliche. If I use it again or often, please remind me to kick my own ass.
Props to Clidna for...
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If I could move out to be with her this very moment I would. I have to finish up my program first (still have just over a year left in it) ... but I will be moving out to be with her the moment that program is done - even if I still haven't landed a job as a journalist by then.

hey there, nothing but weekend to lookforward to know.
have a great one!
have a great one!
Thanks everyone for listening to me rant... MUCH TACO LOVE TO YOU. I've really gotta get my homegirl Kristy a membership to SG, because you'd love her and she'd love you, and her rants rival mine. IMAGINE THAT!
AND NOW.... GLAMOUR SHOTS! Let me introduce you to the stars of our show... just be warned that for the most part, we are 90% TRASHED.
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AND NOW.... GLAMOUR SHOTS! Let me introduce you to the stars of our show... just be warned that for the most part, we are 90% TRASHED.
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those are awesome pictures!
i love your DNA tattoo.
i love your DNA tattoo.

well I write lyrics for a screamo (well acctually more of a hardcore band... I wrote screamo to impress you) band that I play in so I think I have some experience in ranting and rambling.
or maybe just a little more poetically ranting and rambling. But it is still an art that I get lots of props for. Plus Im the best screamer in the GTA right now according to a lot of people.. right up there with George from Alexisonfire... so says our "fans" Pardon me for bragging.
or maybe just a little more poetically ranting and rambling. But it is still an art that I get lots of props for. Plus Im the best screamer in the GTA right now according to a lot of people.. right up there with George from Alexisonfire... so says our "fans" Pardon me for bragging.