New stuff yayayayay! Not much else has been going on of late. I wouldn't call it a new year's resolution really because then I would be destined to fail, but I am struggling with how I can change my life this year. I don't like my job yet I have been there for over 4 years already knowing this isn't what I want to do....
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your stuff is really awesome...my wife does the same sort of work, so I can really tell how good you are at working the metal (which is really harder than most people believe). Also, your fantasy car is mine as well! Toyota is supposedly bringing a new sports car over next model year, a hybrid that can hit 0-60 in 4 seconds or less. I'll believe it when I see it.
I recently "got out" of my job (yeah i'm terming it in a positive way) and I'm probably going back to school and getting an actually useful degree so that I can leave retail behind me.
love it wink wink wink
I am soooooo tired of having a cold. It really sucks. Well, its a new year so at least I get more vacation and sick time at work. Lets see if this year is the year that I get a new job. We shall see.
I cannot believe its almost Christmas. Where has the year gone?!?!?!?!?!

Well, I'm still trying to make lots and lots of jewelry. I like designing and making jewelry, it gives me a sense of accomplishment where as my job just makes me really tired and cranky. I hope sales pick up.

As usual, I must post some pics of some stuff I have up for...
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Well, I figured it was about time for me to update my blog. The jewelry sales have picked up a tad thanks to people looking for last minute Christmas gifts. smile I would really like to make a job of it so I can do it full time. I get tired of working at a bank in a grocery store not making enough money to make...
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wow, your work is really nice. very elegant. do you ever do plugs?
Yea! I made my first online sale today! smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile


Divalicious Designs Online Shop

love love love
Congrats on your first online sale! I'm sure there'll be many more. Are you still working at the bank? Sorry I haven't commented in a while. I've been a little busy. I posted a few pics of baby Cooper in my journal, so check it out. He's only six weeks old. By the way, that's a hot photo you added to your album. wink
I'm too lazy to post a new blog, but I wanted to add some jewelry pics. smile

So yeah, I've tried posting an online shop for all the jewelry I've made and so far.....nada. No sales frown
It's pretty disheartening. I starting doing this because want to have the chance to be more creative and get out of my crappy job. Haha, but anyways, that's really all I had to say. Just needing to vent a little bit.

Divalicious Designs Online Shop
since I started my shop I've only sold one scarf for $20, don't get discouraged
so, yeah. I haven't been on in forever. I was introduced to myspace and that has taken up a bit of my time. I can't keep up with more than one profile. anyways, I finally got some of my jewelry up for sale on etsy.com, so please if you happen across my page, check it out. my ass is broke and I could really use...
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Hey, nice to hear from you! Hope things are well with you. I haven't spent much time one here (or anywhere). I was just checking out your jewlery, and it's pretty darn cool. The baby will be here any day now, and I'm very excited. Thanks for the congrats. I'll share some pics when it's time. Take care!

Well, I was going to post some pics of the jewelry I made, but it didn't work and I am tired of trying at the moment. Too much to do, too little time.
I'm back from the trip yea! That was a lot of family time. We didn't do anything really exciting. Mostly went around to many craft stores so me and my mom could get supplies for the jewelry and purses and stuff we are trying to make and sell because corporate america blows. I did end up bringing home a new dog so now I have...
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Well, now you're beating me. I've only got three dogs. Callie is awfully cute though! Oh, and I'm glad you survived the family trip.

Sorry I haven't dropped you a message in a while. Things have been crazy at work, and life in general has been keeping me busy. I'm such a bad blogger, and haven't spent a lot of time online. Myspace has been weird, too. I used to have a whole profile set up on there, but I was getting all these bizarre messages and friend requests. I'm about ready to do cancel that account.

Did I mention that I still love your profile pic? wink
Okay, so this website is taking some getting used to and I can't make posts on my cell, which sucks. I am about to leave to go on a family trip. 8 hours in the car with the whole fam. I am going to die.
Oh, geez! I hope you survive the family trip! 8 hours is tough.