So during my latest fight with depression, I picked up a new hobby. Writing. My first short story.

This is my first written story. I'm looking for feedback. Preferably constructive. Let me know what you think.



So I wrote a Short Story, not too long ago. Just over 3000 words. I want some validation, that my writing is decent, but i'm worried that it might not be. I found a website called 'Wattpad', which is supposed to kind of be like the youtube for amateur writers. Thinking of posting it there.


Wrote the first 5000 words of my first story. Don't know if it's gonna be a short story, novel, or what yet, but damn it feels good to get something down on the page. Feels like I'm actually making progress on something.


Living in a small town, it is difficult to be a geek. Around here, any geeks, are pretty much closet geeks. A lot my friends that I know, found their geeky loved ones, I don't think i'm meant to ever find mine. So when I heard about a new geek convention at the local university, starting this year, I was pretty excited for it. Unfortunately,...
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All I want, is a woman who wants to share in my passion for video games, and geeky shows and movies, and who also wouldn't mind being worshipped like a goddess, and treated like a queen.

Is that really to much to ask???

I fucking hate the idea of needing to keep my life separate from women. I despise the idea of a relationship where...
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