Greyhound is the absolute WORST! i took greyhound down to baltimore on friday. And last night being sunday and having to work on monday i try to get back to NY. i could not get on the bus that i was sapposed to cause those morons overbooked there busses. so i go to the station like three times that night trying to catch a different...
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hahahah fuck that sucks

sorry i'm laughing but damn hahaha
i been drowning in an abyss of boredom and lonelyness. all my old school San Francisco buddy's showed up at my house last sunday. i hung out with them until thursday morning. in wich i then went home and left them in NJ. alot happened between them showing up and me leaving. got drunk everyday. sleep deprived myself. then catching up by sleeping 16 hours....
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Dude... It can get pretty boring here sometimes. At the end of the month there is a show in Peekskill. Awkward thought..... and Run Like Hell. I am going for sure. skull
Greyhound is the absolute WORST! i took greyhound down to baltimore on friday. And last night being sunday and having to work on monday i try to get back to NY. i could not get on the bus that i was sapposed to cause those morons overbooked there busses. so i go to the station like three times that night trying to catch a different bus and each time was full and i could not get on. so i said FUCK YOU i'm taking amtrak. but to add some humor into all this (funny for you, very tramatic for me) while waiting to see if i could catch the last bus, there was what looked like a homosexual nazi skinhead. this guy had his t-shirt tied in a bow. and these wierd jeans that were twice as long as his legs but were doubled back up his legs so they looked like a normal length. well as me and my friend alicia walk on by him to sit down and his eyes follow me from one end of the station to the other. he turned all the way around to keep checking me out. and this guy was staring at me non stop for at least 5 minutes. and it was so gross i could feel him staring at me. and when i turned around to see if was still looking. he had his hand down his pants either jerkin it or adjustin his boner all the while still staring. I seriously wanted to fuckin puke when i saw that. like the guy never touched me. but i still feel totally violated and like vissually raped cause of him. ugh. i need therepy now.
Time for an update. its been awhile. but it takes awhile for enough stuff worth writing about to happen. so i'm all showed out. at least will be by this time next week. first it was subhumans/world inferno/leftover crack on tuesday, Zero Boys/Spits. this spits ruled and have cemented there spot in my top ten favorite bands. and next week my buddies from Cali, my...
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dude eff the headaches. i've taken 4 advil, a norco, and drank 2 goddamn mojitos and i'm still in pain. fuck that shit right in it's ass.

congrats on culinary school btw. i'm jealous like you wouldn't believe. now lets make out haha smile
WoW. where do i begin. ok. so first off I got my tickets to amsterdam. i leave early september. its gonna be hash bars, strong beer, punk rock and dutch girls. fuckin party. in other patrick news my court date keeps getting pushed back. its really getting to me. and a friend of mine got drunk and fell out his 4th story window. i'm glad...
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oh man amsterdamn sounds rad

wtf happened to your friend? did he get hurt at all?
holy fuck eeek
NOTHING. another day, another non-event. looked for tickets to amsterdam for september. looks like i'll be getting a reasonable priced ticket amazing enough. i just wish september would get here already. ahhhh
What an uneventfull 4th of july. went to work at the shelter. then went home and went to work in the yard. digging holes and such. whatever. i then talked all day online with friends from europe. and then lit off most of the fireworks i've been stashing away for some time now. cool huh. pshhhh! if something does'nt happen i'm gonna flip
come hang out in california
nothing to cool going on. just getting like barley any sleep. and working. exciting? NO! when something happens this journal will be the first to know whatever
haha why aren't you going out for the fourth or anything?

i feel ya on the no sleep thing. fucking sucks.
HOLY SHIT i am hungover. i drank a huge bottle of rum on the train last night when i was on my way to the show. plus some beers at the show. and now i feel like hell. all i gotta say though is the EPOXIES were great. and i met the singer roxy. and even though i don't remember what we talked about. i...
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puke puke puke holy fucking hangover, i feel your pain puke puke puke
So i spend all day in the city looking at a culinary school. YES i am going to school to be a chef. awsome huh? well not really. but i'm already good at it so may as well just get better. the school its self was totally cool and i never been so excited to do something career orientated before in my life. thats my...
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what culinary school? i would beat up a nun to be able to go. i love to cook, plus you can be completely tattooed and no one gives a shit haha smile
HOLY SHIT i am hungover. i drank a huge bottle of rum on the train last night when i was on my way to the show. plus some beers at the show. and now i feel like hell. all i gotta say though is the EPOXIES were great. and i met the singer roxy. and even though i don't remember what we talked about. i remember her being super nice. now excuse me while i go barf now puke
Hmm what to write about. i'm eating my dinner with white wine. i hate white wine but i'm stressed out so i'm drinking to cool off. i painted my bass today. its gonna be a white body with black pick gaurd. two tone baby. hell yeah. lets see what else. i went to the gym. went neck to neck with the folks over the most...
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drink more wine for me kay EL SUICIDO LOCO
Going to court fuckin sucks. first of all. i gotta wear a suit. its like 90 degrees out. way to hot to have one of those on. second. i got to take my piercings out. i would not mind but i have not touched them for 2 years and i just realized how much of a pain they are to get back in. and now...
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what do you have to go to court for?

i got finished with all my court shit (battery) back in march. that shit was a drag.
Bored. i learned to play leads on my gutiar today. cool shit. so now i don't want to put it down. fuck i shoulda learned that shit a long time ago. hey i'm writing in this thing. skull
ah i know, i do go to the gym for myself anyway, but the thought of making my ex feel like poop is fuel to the fire. mature i know. whatever

how long have you been playing guitar?