To all the bitches along Whyte Avenue that kept me awake for a solid month-Fuck you all.
How's it feel to be 2nd best?You almost pulled it through and in typical fashion you choked at the last minute. Inevitability at it's finest.
In other news I move tomorrow.
Not that anyone will actually be reading this far as the only friends I have currently either:
a)Are Oilers fans and stopped reading or
b)Are moving in with me tomorrow and are well aware.
Home renos suck, especially when it's not your home, but have to get done.
Alas I feel that my window of opportunity to get a 2nd job may have closed as the little one frowns on me spending too much time away from home.
Ah well, she might be getting a DT marketing job so my need for a 2nd one may deteriorate somewhat.
I'm itching to get some painting done and get some games in for Medusa 5. I only have to paint 19 more guys to have 1K points up and running and who knows, if the money is there Conflict Vancouver may have to fear me yet again. It was a blast last year(especially the campfire on the beach) and I would love to go again this year.
And since I really had nothing intelligent to say at all this post I shall end it here. Even though no one is reading it.
Fuck you all.
To all the bitches along Whyte Avenue that kept me awake for a solid month-Fuck you all.
How's it feel to be 2nd best?You almost pulled it through and in typical fashion you choked at the last minute. Inevitability at it's finest.
In other news I move tomorrow.
Not that anyone will actually be reading this far as the only friends I have currently either:
a)Are Oilers fans and stopped reading or
b)Are moving in with me tomorrow and are well aware.
Home renos suck, especially when it's not your home, but have to get done.
Alas I feel that my window of opportunity to get a 2nd job may have closed as the little one frowns on me spending too much time away from home.
Ah well, she might be getting a DT marketing job so my need for a 2nd one may deteriorate somewhat.
I'm itching to get some painting done and get some games in for Medusa 5. I only have to paint 19 more guys to have 1K points up and running and who knows, if the money is there Conflict Vancouver may have to fear me yet again. It was a blast last year(especially the campfire on the beach) and I would love to go again this year.
And since I really had nothing intelligent to say at all this post I shall end it here. Even though no one is reading it.
Fuck you all.

It was nice to meet you yesterday.