To all the bitches along Whyte Avenue that kept me awake for a solid month-Fuck you all.
How's it feel to be 2nd best?You almost pulled it through and in typical fashion you choked at the last minute. Inevitability at it's finest.
In other news I move tomorrow.
Not that anyone will actually be reading this far as the only friends I have currently...
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To all the bitches along Whyte Avenue that kept me awake for a solid month-Fuck you all.
How's it feel to be 2nd best?You almost pulled it through and in typical fashion you choked at the last minute. Inevitability at it's finest.
In other news I move tomorrow.
Not that anyone will actually be reading this far as the only friends I have currently...
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Well I did it.
I finally caved.
After 2 years and a bit I finally bought a membership.
I think the moment I decided to stop procrastinating came when I looked through my browser history and realised that it was all either:
B)Websites used to support an online game that I play.
That's right.
Nothing else.
No web boards.
I realised that when...
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I finally caved.
After 2 years and a bit I finally bought a membership.
I think the moment I decided to stop procrastinating came when I looked through my browser history and realised that it was all either:
B)Websites used to support an online game that I play.
That's right.
Nothing else.
No web boards.
I realised that when...
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I would hardly call it inevitable.
Ha! You big jerk! Jussi is doing a fine job, Roli is the one who let in four goals that night before he got hurt, and we won't even discuss Conks. Jussi will get the job done. Their passes are ugly and so are the goals, the refs are out to get them, but they will pull through..... if only through the shear power of my will alone! 

*scratch scratch fall*
*scratch scratch fall*
Well I've learned a couple of things while on vacation and here they are in no particular order.
1)Do not drink on a VERY rocky cruise ship. You fall.
2)Check the ingredient list on that yummy blue fruity drink to check for Coconut BEFORE you drink four of them and have an allergic reaction.
3)Don't use the phone OR...
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*scratch scratch fall*
Well I've learned a couple of things while on vacation and here they are in no particular order.
1)Do not drink on a VERY rocky cruise ship. You fall.
2)Check the ingredient list on that yummy blue fruity drink to check for Coconut BEFORE you drink four of them and have an allergic reaction.
3)Don't use the phone OR...
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I didn't know you even had a profile on here. It doesn't look like you check it often.

well, it's been a while since this particular journal was updated, hasn't it?
First post ever...nothing spectacular...don't even expect anyone to read but eh what the hell.
I finally caved Aya. I got so mind-numbingly bored that I caved.
But whatever.
No work to do at work so I get the computer. Alot less appealing than it sounds trust me.
Try 5 hours looking at the exact same things without pause, I just kind of wish SOMETHING...
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I finally caved Aya. I got so mind-numbingly bored that I caved.
But whatever.
No work to do at work so I get the computer. Alot less appealing than it sounds trust me.
Try 5 hours looking at the exact same things without pause, I just kind of wish SOMETHING...
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NOW I am going to bed.
Love ya!
Love ya!
woah, the ninja...... 

It was nice to meet you yesterday.