Hi guys, this is my second homework, so will do my best to cover the question fully.
@LYXZEN @MISSY and @RAMBO thank you so much for the opportunity to write about such an interesting issues, and what's more important - to be heard with these thoughts.
So, what am I afraid of?
This is an interesting and very volumetric question. The answer could cover very big number of things, but I'll try to combine it .
First of all, I am terribly afraid of narrow-minded people. Such people, who 'cuz of their ignorance/mentality/vaccinated, since their childhood, canons - simply do not understand and do not accept those or other things like eating habits, tattoos, body piercing, the love of unusual pets, alternate appearance, and so further.
Such people are pulling you to the bottom, they ARE the public opinion. Being wallowed in their own failures and driven into the frame, in which they even feel themselves comfortable, having no desire to learn anything, to grow as a person etc. - it's really scary.
Second, I am afraid to lose myself with the age and under the influence of the external factors - to lose the flight of thoughts, dreams and ambitions, the opportunity to be sensible and evaluate everything from a different perspective. I am not afraid of difficulties, but the lack of strength and desire to overcome them.
The third and the very last: I'm really afraid to lose people who close to me in spirit. Those with whom I can find common ground at a glance, with whom you could see the wonderful and amazing - in the simplest things, and feel spiritual kinship.