NOTES ON THAT MOST INTIMATE OF INTIMATES (Sprung from a painted jar, a painted sign, a painted face, and then...) :
I realize that sex fosters in me an attachment to the partner and i realize that when finding itself in a casual setting, this attachment must either walk the path of repression or be communicated which may lead to a jeopardy of the whole "casual" nature of the relationship.
but no, the mess is made uh right?
i still stew for awhile like real sickness and it is unpleasant
the relationship, by the light of my fondness, is made awkward.
"i thought this was like a game is like, what's yr beef with the sudden stern uh the turn of the problematic face, i mean?"
yeah, and i brought the cards or polished the dice, i know but somewhere along the line i got dreamy
does the phrase "got caught looking" feel heavy to you
cos maybe that's like the root i'd like to think
that is, to expound , as they say in more sophisticated circles...
casual sex seems like a slightly more informative, vastly well regarded form of masturbation.
uh that is the person-to-person-to-person method may in a way diminish the real aid which sex can offer.
the parts are achingly obvious, the size, texture and state are the only variables, similarities show up and invite their friends, like popular music, nothing stands on it's own... behavior, posture, breathing, what's said before, during, after...
seems scientific
and the history is not important, sure
and aspirations are not even really on the page
so it's not as though you must know about the person to have sex
but maybe you must want to know
cos if sexual awakening is taken as yr. first chance to break ego
sex was the physical interpretation
all physical actions are loaded with mental subtext
opening yr. hand is...
washing a dish is...
you must realize receive cleanse
this holy, perfect radio must be on and the dial perfectly obscured, somewhere, between the oven and the icebox is the audience.
the foggy broadcast for sex in none other than...
the single minded grasp and acceptance of sameness
something is tapping on the glass, you stare off into space and stick out yr tongue
the sameness of you and yr. partner
rasta say i+i=I
so it's true, relationships dominated by individual satisfaction are bound to be separated
like uh kids in the school yard
but, and this may at first feel like a headache,
what is good for the whole
I realize that sex fosters in me an attachment to the partner and i realize that when finding itself in a casual setting, this attachment must either walk the path of repression or be communicated which may lead to a jeopardy of the whole "casual" nature of the relationship.
but no, the mess is made uh right?
i still stew for awhile like real sickness and it is unpleasant
the relationship, by the light of my fondness, is made awkward.
"i thought this was like a game is like, what's yr beef with the sudden stern uh the turn of the problematic face, i mean?"
yeah, and i brought the cards or polished the dice, i know but somewhere along the line i got dreamy
does the phrase "got caught looking" feel heavy to you
cos maybe that's like the root i'd like to think
that is, to expound , as they say in more sophisticated circles...
casual sex seems like a slightly more informative, vastly well regarded form of masturbation.
uh that is the person-to-person-to-person method may in a way diminish the real aid which sex can offer.
the parts are achingly obvious, the size, texture and state are the only variables, similarities show up and invite their friends, like popular music, nothing stands on it's own... behavior, posture, breathing, what's said before, during, after...
seems scientific
and the history is not important, sure
and aspirations are not even really on the page
so it's not as though you must know about the person to have sex
but maybe you must want to know
cos if sexual awakening is taken as yr. first chance to break ego
sex was the physical interpretation
all physical actions are loaded with mental subtext
opening yr. hand is...
washing a dish is...
you must realize receive cleanse
this holy, perfect radio must be on and the dial perfectly obscured, somewhere, between the oven and the icebox is the audience.
the foggy broadcast for sex in none other than...
the single minded grasp and acceptance of sameness
something is tapping on the glass, you stare off into space and stick out yr tongue
the sameness of you and yr. partner
rasta say i+i=I
so it's true, relationships dominated by individual satisfaction are bound to be separated
like uh kids in the school yard
but, and this may at first feel like a headache,
what is good for the whole