Ok, I have been slow. It fits with my theme of being late for everything. On the fun side, I have new toys, putting me more on the poor side. I got a new digital camera, so that is quite fun. My phone just didn't cut it, nor the iSight. Maybe, just maybe, this means I will start posting pictures that suck less now. Well, perhaps that was misphrased, perhaps I will post piictures and if I do, they might be more acurate. I got tired of the black hair, and went back to blue. I have to admit, I really like dark blue. I was thinking of purple, but couldn't find a shade I liked.
School is managing to rope me in. It was suggested that I go to some extra prac. sessions for the qual. exam this semster, so that will mean I will have even less time. They handed out our final project in forensics the other day. Simulated child porn case, with many tricks and turns along the way. Looks most fun, tracking from a trashed hard drive what was on it, who was on it, when and what they were doing and saying. Ok, I am a geek, but it sounds fun to me.
I have decided that I am probably making everyone on my favorate corner of norman rich. Between DnD books, hair dye, and thai food it has become scary how much money/time I spend in that one building. Working across the street doesn't help. For a while I had class across the street as well, and that was almost enough to make me consider getting an apt. in that area, just to save travel time. Oh well, I think I can handle the 5 minute drive
Ever scene a bottle of scotch bounce? Scary shit. My roomate attempted to swat his cat for climbing the shelves and hit a bottle of my scotch instead a little while back. That would have been a tragic waste, but miricle, it bounces and is fine. therefore, god loves whiskey QED
I should probably get back to either reading or math, so until next time, I vanish....
... and just like that ... he was gone
School is managing to rope me in. It was suggested that I go to some extra prac. sessions for the qual. exam this semster, so that will mean I will have even less time. They handed out our final project in forensics the other day. Simulated child porn case, with many tricks and turns along the way. Looks most fun, tracking from a trashed hard drive what was on it, who was on it, when and what they were doing and saying. Ok, I am a geek, but it sounds fun to me.
I have decided that I am probably making everyone on my favorate corner of norman rich. Between DnD books, hair dye, and thai food it has become scary how much money/time I spend in that one building. Working across the street doesn't help. For a while I had class across the street as well, and that was almost enough to make me consider getting an apt. in that area, just to save travel time. Oh well, I think I can handle the 5 minute drive

Ever scene a bottle of scotch bounce? Scary shit. My roomate attempted to swat his cat for climbing the shelves and hit a bottle of my scotch instead a little while back. That would have been a tragic waste, but miricle, it bounces and is fine. therefore, god loves whiskey QED
I should probably get back to either reading or math, so until next time, I vanish....
... and just like that ... he was gone

thai raja rocks!