Today I was in a shooting with @vikat , it was amazing !!!
she is a beautiful girl! You will soon see these sets ready!
This year I had a really good time, I met new hopefuls with whom I take photos!
And I reinforced my friendship with the girls I already knew. I made my first SOTD as a photographer 😱 at the hand of @betzyblack.
And shoot like crazy to achieve sets that make us happy! I can not wait for you to see them in MR 💗...
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Instant crush with my beautiful @gret 💗 is now on MemberReview 😱😱😱
Do not forget to enter and give all your love! We have prepared a dynamic to thank your support and your love! we will choose the best comment (inside the set) and we will give you an Instax of the ones that appear there 🙌🏻😱😱 give your best compliment to my baby @gret
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Hello dear community! I'm very happy!! because you can already see "Primrose" now in MR.
This is a very special set that @betzyblack y and me did with a lot of love!
please come in and have a look! and do not forget to give him some of your love!
@missy & @rambo
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I would also greatly appreciate all your comments about my work! Thanks for your love and support always !!
@missy & @rambo
Hacia un tiempo que no escribía un blog, pero hoy me siento realmente feliz y quiero compartirlo con esta bella comunidad 💗
Y es que recientemente fui añadida a la lista “Non-staff Photographer “😱😱 me hace muy feliz por que en México no existen fotógrafos de staff ni tampoco existían fotógrafos recomendados. Me siento muy satisfecha de lograrlo en menos de 1 año y con
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Hello dear community!💗
I hope you have an amazing week !!
The task of this week I love, because I have a special person, who makes me feel happy every second what happens with me.
When I feel sad or depressed, even if I'm just bored I'll call him instantly to come visit me.
That person is Pablo!
Pablo is my best friend 💗 we
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