If you can't tell, I'm really happy. Why you ask? Well just let's say that I had a really good night last night. I hung out with GangstaSwan over in HB at this beach party. We played duck duck goose, ate smores, and just really had too much fun.
Afterwards we went to this place called Fred's and had some drinks, I bought Swan a kamikaze keeping my promise to buy her a drink once I moved out here.
We wound up going back to her apt and popped in Power of One (I scored some points with her by acutally knowing of this awesome, yet sad, yet awesome movie) but we wound up snuggeling. I finally muster up the courage to give her a kiss (I had been wanting to kiss her for a while but I wanted it to be the perfect time) and we wound up staying up untill dawn talkin' and making out. I felt really bad keeping her up so late, but she reasured me that it was no problem, I still felt a little bad though.
We passed out for a couple of hours then woke up and started up again, it was great

I really can't wait untill next week, we're gonna be watching The Big Lebowski. I'm gonna work very hard to contain myself due to the fact that she has not yet seen this awesome flick.
Best Night/Morning/Mid Afternoon ever....
I wish I was the girl tied up!