Crazy times. I haven't had a few hours to sit in front of my computer for at least 4 days. What has my life come to.
Things have been really rough with my husband lately. I actually thought we were headed for a divorce on Thursday night but things seem to be going better now. At least he's willing to work on his problems. Between the marital counseling, individual counseling, parenting classes, and anger management he is now in some sort of counseling 4 nights a week. If that's not proof that he's willing to fix things...
So I decided we needed to have a date to try repair things. Only being here a month and a half we don't have a baby-sitter so... that means we haven't had a moment alone in... a month and a half. So I rented
You guys, this was the most whatever movie I have ever seen. If you think this was the best movie ever, you have a bland mainstream sense of talent. In case you were unaware, this movie was about nothing but Idaho. I spent the entire time trying to figure out what movie I remembered Deb from.
Saturday I went to little_pistol's house and met simplyCharlotte, violently, and drummergirl. I ate too many brownies and had a great time. Thank you ladies.
This nasty thing
finally departed last night. It fascinated me for a full two days and I'm so glad it's gone.
OK, so that's my saga. If you made it this far, thanks. You are a true friend... or you have too much time on your hands.

Things have been really rough with my husband lately. I actually thought we were headed for a divorce on Thursday night but things seem to be going better now. At least he's willing to work on his problems. Between the marital counseling, individual counseling, parenting classes, and anger management he is now in some sort of counseling 4 nights a week. If that's not proof that he's willing to fix things...
So I decided we needed to have a date to try repair things. Only being here a month and a half we don't have a baby-sitter so... that means we haven't had a moment alone in... a month and a half. So I rented

Saturday I went to little_pistol's house and met simplyCharlotte, violently, and drummergirl. I ate too many brownies and had a great time. Thank you ladies.
This nasty thing

OK, so that's my saga. If you made it this far, thanks. You are a true friend... or you have too much time on your hands.

i'm glad you like to eat too many brownies too, i don't like feeling alone
Napoleon Dynamite.. haven't seen it. From all reports, people either love it or hate it. Of course, I hated Fight Club, so who knows where I'll fall on this one.
Glad to hear that your husband is willing to do counciling. It's worth the effort if he and/or both of you (if needed) is willing to try.
Good luck!