My family arrived last night bearing gifts including, among other wonderful things, a new camcorder!
With which I am having too much fun and will eventually annoy said family.
Today we went out to breakfast, exchanged my brother's brand new camera that my huband accidentally broke (oops), took a trip to Santa Monica Pier to meet up with some friends, ate dinner at Gladstone's. I'm a little tired but happy. I miss my family. It's nice to have them here.

ps- I kicked Fall semester's ASS!
WOOT! Grad school here I come.

Today we went out to breakfast, exchanged my brother's brand new camera that my huband accidentally broke (oops), took a trip to Santa Monica Pier to meet up with some friends, ate dinner at Gladstone's. I'm a little tired but happy. I miss my family. It's nice to have them here.

ps- I kicked Fall semester's ASS!

congrats about kicking ass @ school
Congrats on the finals!