sometimes i really cant stand being an artist/ going to art school. i love it, and its who i am.
but its times like today that i get really disscoraged and feel like giving up. like maybe im not as good as i thought.
and there are soooo many fucking asshole douche bag pseudo bohemians "i dont wash my hair im real fucking interesting" hippy cunt faces who i CANT FUCKING STAND WHO THINK THEIR FUCKING THE GREATEST ARTIST EVER SO I AUTOMATICALLY SUCK.
they can all suck my left one right about now.
i left my drawing class early b/c the critique in the first half exhausted me and i felt like crying. i thought i did a good job. but i guess i didnt. these two assholes that i dont like were laughing and whispering during my turn. it made me feel like i shouldnt have even come to class.
but their pieces werent even that good, and the whole class fucking ate it up because they both have some fucking image that needs to be preserved.
you know what? fuck them. so what. so what if all of my drawings look like cartoons.
at least im not a fucking TOOL LIKE THEY ARE.
but its times like today that i get really disscoraged and feel like giving up. like maybe im not as good as i thought.
and there are soooo many fucking asshole douche bag pseudo bohemians "i dont wash my hair im real fucking interesting" hippy cunt faces who i CANT FUCKING STAND WHO THINK THEIR FUCKING THE GREATEST ARTIST EVER SO I AUTOMATICALLY SUCK.
they can all suck my left one right about now.
i left my drawing class early b/c the critique in the first half exhausted me and i felt like crying. i thought i did a good job. but i guess i didnt. these two assholes that i dont like were laughing and whispering during my turn. it made me feel like i shouldnt have even come to class.
but their pieces werent even that good, and the whole class fucking ate it up because they both have some fucking image that needs to be preserved.
you know what? fuck them. so what. so what if all of my drawings look like cartoons.
at least im not a fucking TOOL LIKE THEY ARE.

(most) people suck. most supposed "artists" are pompous pricks. dont let them bug you. you're better than they are.
people are ass's