thanks to somebody for reactivating show yourself! i updated pics for your viewing pleasure =)
hello friends and fucks =P
i miss you all and the site SO
my friend was nice enough to let me log in, so I just wanted to send my love and let you know i'm alive!! thanks for your words, i lol'd lots
feel free to email, i DO still check and respond...i'm hoping to be back online in the next couple weeks [cross...
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i miss you all and the site SO

my friend was nice enough to let me log in, so I just wanted to send my love and let you know i'm alive!! thanks for your words, i lol'd lots

feel free to email, i DO still check and respond...i'm hoping to be back online in the next couple weeks [cross...
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Happy birthday, baby! 

Happy birthday! Hope you are doing well!

I'm updating I SWEAR
so the turmoil has ended for now, I get to stay with gramma while i save for the big move (yay!)
cept that no adult who's ever lived on their own gets excited about moving in with family members again, right?
ahhhhh, well the things we go through to make shit happen
ANYWAY how's all my boys??
I just realized all...
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so the turmoil has ended for now, I get to stay with gramma while i save for the big move (yay!)
cept that no adult who's ever lived on their own gets excited about moving in with family members again, right?

ahhhhh, well the things we go through to make shit happen
ANYWAY how's all my boys??
I just realized all...
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I am concerned that you have fallen off the earth.

I am concerned that you have fallen off the earth.

where o' where has the gingerlilly been?
goals? Oh I HAVE goals.
to catch up on all the 40bazillionthousandmillion SG pics that I've missed and/or have never seen
who knew there'd be quite so many hot girls to stare at?? and yet it never gets old...
goal #2 - to be a hot girl just like you
so i am being forced to move out of my extremely comfy and well priced...
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to catch up on all the 40bazillionthousandmillion SG pics that I've missed and/or have never seen
who knew there'd be quite so many hot girls to stare at?? and yet it never gets old...
goal #2 - to be a hot girl just like you
so i am being forced to move out of my extremely comfy and well priced...
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girl, you need a new journal entry. plus chatting would be good.
This is haarrrd...oooohh, I am in a PICKLE

This is haarrrd...oooohh, I am in a PICKLE
que paso'?
Your update sucks...
Where ya been?

if it can go wrong it will go wrong...right??
you'd think I would learn this by now...lame
you'd think I would learn this by now...lame

My fantasy changes from time to time, and right now it's kinda basic, more like just getting together with somebody, with nothing much to do, but well, everything. Again and again and ... well, you get the idea.
I'm thinking about adopting yours, though -- with due credit, of course.
I'm thinking about adopting yours, though -- with due credit, of course.
shuffle board is pimp
haha. I feel dirty just saying that.
San Diego is great, altho right now I hear its absolutely miserable weather.
So what went wrong?

haha. I feel dirty just saying that.
San Diego is great, altho right now I hear its absolutely miserable weather.
So what went wrong?
This was a HUGE pain in the ass - you better enjoy....

I'm studying Spanish in Monterey... Will be here for a while, then back to the real world - well, my real world...
Not sure, exactly, what I'll be doing next, but it stands to reason that I'll be going back to Iraq this fall... Not sure why that sounds so reasonable.... Guess I'm just being realistic (or hopeful
) Who knows??? I don't really care. Whatever... I've to admit: there was a certain "coolness" in Iraq that you just can't get around here. I didn't enjoy it, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's the mundane/trivial bullshit, around here, that makes me wanna scream these days (as opposed to the mundane/trivial bullshit there, I suppose)... I guess one person has summed it up best, so far : "he'll NEVER be happy"... I suppose that's right, to some degree. If sentenced to death, I'd be more likely to complain about the time of day of my execution, color of rope I was to be hung with, parking spaces for my extended non-nuclear family, etc. than the sentencing...
I'm fucked up that way. Come on in, the water's great.
eddited cuz i doent tipe so gould........
[Edited on Feb 24, 2005 11:15PM]
Not sure, exactly, what I'll be doing next, but it stands to reason that I'll be going back to Iraq this fall... Not sure why that sounds so reasonable.... Guess I'm just being realistic (or hopeful

I'm fucked up that way. Come on in, the water's great.

eddited cuz i doent tipe so gould........
[Edited on Feb 24, 2005 11:15PM]
escape from the burn
breathe safe in the urn
melt to return
the price we learn
breathe safe in the urn
melt to return
the price we learn
Egads! I was out of town for your B-day.
Well, happy belated!

Well, happy belated!

Sooooooooo.......... I guess the question is: What ya been doing for the last year and a half???

Mind fuck or fuck?........why?
Think before you answer.......
Think before you answer.......
either or. as long as it takes my mind off other shit for a while.
give me one fucking reason...
1. Because your parents really didn't want you to.
2. Stupid societal pressures be damned!
3. It was a rockin' good time.
4. I was so fuckin' trashed at the time.
5. Have you ever been so bored that you'd pretty much do anything just so you wouldn't be so bored? I mean, have you?
6. It was better than a kick in the head.
7. Afterwards, someone promised me a kick in the head.
8. Where am I again?
9. For world peace.
10. Because, regardless of what anyone may say, believe, think, or even feel, the world truly is a beautiful place. All I've done is offered my tiny, infintessimal contribution to this great patchwork of ideas, culture, love, understanding, and hope. I only hope that one day, one day, everyone and everything will be worth it.
There's 10 reasons.
[Edited on Jul 12, 2003]
2. Stupid societal pressures be damned!
3. It was a rockin' good time.
4. I was so fuckin' trashed at the time.
5. Have you ever been so bored that you'd pretty much do anything just so you wouldn't be so bored? I mean, have you?
6. It was better than a kick in the head.
7. Afterwards, someone promised me a kick in the head.
8. Where am I again?
9. For world peace.
10. Because, regardless of what anyone may say, believe, think, or even feel, the world truly is a beautiful place. All I've done is offered my tiny, infintessimal contribution to this great patchwork of ideas, culture, love, understanding, and hope. I only hope that one day, one day, everyone and everything will be worth it.
There's 10 reasons.
[Edited on Jul 12, 2003]