Patriots lost
My family and friends are, for the most part, starting to make their way back to New Orleans. I'll have some direct damge reports soon. No one is really enthusiastic for dealing with all the toxic goo, mold & shit that they will have to clean. But I'm thankful no one got seriously hurt or worse, so they can just suck it up!
I just can't watch the news anymore. All the lies and filth the TV spews. Some talking head in DC leans down and starts talking shit out their ass, I mean just fucking bald faced bullshit, and the national media just eat it up and regurgitate it. Fuck if it contradicts something they just reported themselves a couple weeks ago, the new shit must be the real truth now, obviously they must have been too quick to judge. Complete Orwelian mindfuck.
Sorry for the heavy. Here's something that, while the motivation may not be light, the image sure brings a smile to my face.
Go do your good deed for today!
Yes Palo, I do!

My family and friends are, for the most part, starting to make their way back to New Orleans. I'll have some direct damge reports soon. No one is really enthusiastic for dealing with all the toxic goo, mold & shit that they will have to clean. But I'm thankful no one got seriously hurt or worse, so they can just suck it up!

I just can't watch the news anymore. All the lies and filth the TV spews. Some talking head in DC leans down and starts talking shit out their ass, I mean just fucking bald faced bullshit, and the national media just eat it up and regurgitate it. Fuck if it contradicts something they just reported themselves a couple weeks ago, the new shit must be the real truth now, obviously they must have been too quick to judge. Complete Orwelian mindfuck.

Sorry for the heavy. Here's something that, while the motivation may not be light, the image sure brings a smile to my face.

Yes Palo, I do!


Luckily it had a memory card. I just have to figure out how to put it in the converter thing so I can plug it straight into my computer.

Hey, thank you