wow this last couple of weeks I had is enough to really change a person.
I found out this monday that I am going to be a daddy
, Stephanie and I had only recently talked about it and decided that we both want to have kids with each other and not more then 1 month goes by and tah dah.
I cant believe how excited this makes me, so far it looks like late december is going to be the arrival. on may 3rd we go to the doctor and find out how far along Stephanie really is. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a girl.
now for the funny part of the whole deal,on easter during breakfast I had a vision (while awake) that she was pregnant with our daughter. I didnt say anything to her but wednesday following I told my brother. now by friday I couldnt hold back and mentioned it to her right after a concert. she didnt think so and in an effort to prove it to me she took the ept then also went to a planned parenthood clinic and both revealed the same results.
my grandparents are doing wellgrandma should be going in soon to get the tumor removed and grandpa well other then getting old and forgeting things a bit seems to be doing well. mt uncle and autn seem to be doing everything possible to keep my mother and by default me and my brothers away from them and anything that pertains to their well being. it really pisses me off, they cant bother to be around for them other then during problems and they want to have everything to say about their care. W.T.F. I will be teeing off on them both in the coming future about that, and with my aunt being in town for a short while before she moves to greece it will be the most opportune time to do it.
sorry I havent been on much lately but it has been a rather busy time for me, the job I went and interveiwed for fell through but on a plus note they went with a guy who is already doing the same job at another company and requested that I please keep an eye out on the other jobs coming up they would like ot see me again.
I found out this monday that I am going to be a daddy

I cant believe how excited this makes me, so far it looks like late december is going to be the arrival. on may 3rd we go to the doctor and find out how far along Stephanie really is. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a girl.
now for the funny part of the whole deal,on easter during breakfast I had a vision (while awake) that she was pregnant with our daughter. I didnt say anything to her but wednesday following I told my brother. now by friday I couldnt hold back and mentioned it to her right after a concert. she didnt think so and in an effort to prove it to me she took the ept then also went to a planned parenthood clinic and both revealed the same results.
my grandparents are doing wellgrandma should be going in soon to get the tumor removed and grandpa well other then getting old and forgeting things a bit seems to be doing well. mt uncle and autn seem to be doing everything possible to keep my mother and by default me and my brothers away from them and anything that pertains to their well being. it really pisses me off, they cant bother to be around for them other then during problems and they want to have everything to say about their care. W.T.F. I will be teeing off on them both in the coming future about that, and with my aunt being in town for a short while before she moves to greece it will be the most opportune time to do it.
sorry I havent been on much lately but it has been a rather busy time for me, the job I went and interveiwed for fell through but on a plus note they went with a guy who is already doing the same job at another company and requested that I please keep an eye out on the other jobs coming up they would like ot see me again.

And really changes you...for the better I think.
I know it makes me less tolerant of stupid young people driving fast down my court or saying/doing stupid things in front of my family when we go out. I'm more protective now then I've ever been. But then again, I guess there's a lot that factors into that.
Have you picked out a name yet? We're talking girl name here.
Our fist kid was a boy. We found out ahead of time and I've always wanted a boy first then a girl, but I wasn't sure about the first one.
Our second one was a surprise. 13 months after our fist...surprise!!!. I was so sure it was a girl, no one could prove me otherwise. It was a feeling that was too strong. And sure enough.
Sounds like your gonna have a girl. What does your lady want? Are you guys getting married? Have you talked about it?
sorry if that's too personal.