boy did I have a nice weekend, although it didnt start out that way. tried to get tickets to flogging molly for friday nite for me and Stephanie, that didnt work out they were all sold out. so in a last minute scramble I remembered she liked the theater so I got tickets to a play at the pantages theater called "sylvia" its about a couple who brings a stray dog into the house and the dog starts causing some issues. the marriage works out and the dog stays with them 'til the end. it was really good.
had company that night didnt sleep the greatest just not used to having company. I dropped her off about 2:30 and she got back to my house for dinner about 6ish ate and then wiated for Meg's to get to my place and we went and joined some freinds for pool. played pool for a few hours had some drinks and chatted, it was alot of fun.
sunday ran alot of errands and went to moms for dinner her new cat doesnt like me, dinner was good [meatloaf, potatoes and carrots] dessert was ok [pumpkin pie] but the crust was bad. didnt sleep much sunday or saturday night mostly because I kept rolling over on to my side and hitting my sore[fractured] rib.
today at work it was frigging cold 62 degrees I hope they fix the heater soon it is Minnesota afterall and it gets way to frigging cold here.
Afreind of mine is making me some new plugs for my lobes [canary wood] hes bringing them over in a bit and later in the week hes making some from deer antler and black water buffalo horn. the best part is I get them for free, hes going to start making some and trying to sell them at local tattoo and peircing shops so if you want to but some let me know and I will broker that deal for you. thats all for now talk[type] to you soon.
had company that night didnt sleep the greatest just not used to having company. I dropped her off about 2:30 and she got back to my house for dinner about 6ish ate and then wiated for Meg's to get to my place and we went and joined some freinds for pool. played pool for a few hours had some drinks and chatted, it was alot of fun.
sunday ran alot of errands and went to moms for dinner her new cat doesnt like me, dinner was good [meatloaf, potatoes and carrots] dessert was ok [pumpkin pie] but the crust was bad. didnt sleep much sunday or saturday night mostly because I kept rolling over on to my side and hitting my sore[fractured] rib.
today at work it was frigging cold 62 degrees I hope they fix the heater soon it is Minnesota afterall and it gets way to frigging cold here.
Afreind of mine is making me some new plugs for my lobes [canary wood] hes bringing them over in a bit and later in the week hes making some from deer antler and black water buffalo horn. the best part is I get them for free, hes going to start making some and trying to sell them at local tattoo and peircing shops so if you want to but some let me know and I will broker that deal for you. thats all for now talk[type] to you soon.
damn, would have been awesome if you could have scored Flogging Molly tixx, they are out here in ohio on wednesday and i wish i could go!
thank you for sharing your top ten list! sounds like things are going well for you