wow I had a pretty good day today, I quickly got work out of the way even though it was my day off I still ended up wroking for about and hour and a half. mostly getting out the sales info to the six stores the my sales manager oversees. in a strange way I dont mind being his assistant and would kind of miss it if he didnt have me helping him out.
anyhow after that I went to the grandparents house and spent four and a half hours outside ( duh ) doing yardwork for them. cleaning weeds out of the cracks in the sidewalk, driveway and from along the garage and also using an edger to cut the grass along the edges of the sidewalk to clean it up. I was kind of happy that I got a small blister from sweeping up the debris. I was even able to get some laundry done whilst I was there. all that and lunch with them to boot yeah it has been a good day. so in honor of my grandparents heres a pic of them from my brothers wedding, it was a year and four months ago but they havent changed much. this month grandma will be 82 and next month grandpa will be 91, I can only hope that I look that good at that age.

anyhow after that I went to the grandparents house and spent four and a half hours outside ( duh ) doing yardwork for them. cleaning weeds out of the cracks in the sidewalk, driveway and from along the garage and also using an edger to cut the grass along the edges of the sidewalk to clean it up. I was kind of happy that I got a small blister from sweeping up the debris. I was even able to get some laundry done whilst I was there. all that and lunch with them to boot yeah it has been a good day. so in honor of my grandparents heres a pic of them from my brothers wedding, it was a year and four months ago but they havent changed much. this month grandma will be 82 and next month grandpa will be 91, I can only hope that I look that good at that age.
