so last nite was my friends 28th b-day party, he had it at his uncles place out in andover. it was a nice party strangley enough they had prizes galore for the guests. apperently they do this alot which suprises me since I have never been to a party where the guests walk away with possible armloads of stuff as well. I got a backpack/cooler and a nice notepad and holder. I think Ill give the cooler /backpack to brother man. it was friggin' hot out there too, the heat index was 105. it was in a pole barn but man with something like 75 people there it felt cooler in the sun outside. got too see lots of freinds. interesting little not from the news when your body is as hot as the outside temp you wont sweat and your body wont cool down. so drink lots o'water.
heres something that kind of confused me a bit, Molly a freind I havent seen in a while was there with her husband Duke, now Ive never been really attracted to her but man seeing her made me really horny. I litterally woke up from a dream of her and my ex and a great 3some. thats what woke me my ex is her husbands ex and Molly is the reason they broke up, shit come to think of it Molly is kind of the reason me and the ex broke up. see the ex couldnt completly put herself into a realationship because Duke and her had been engaged and when she went to Africa for a School project him and Molly started having am affair. when the ex found out a month or so after getting back they broke up. now Duke and Molly are married, and Im having fantasies about fucking Molly with and without the ex.
maybe its all about how I felt about the ex and still feel about her. somehow it might be trying to get back at them or break them up because I have some issues there. eh, whatever the case Im not going to do it, although it would be fun ;-).
heres something that kind of confused me a bit, Molly a freind I havent seen in a while was there with her husband Duke, now Ive never been really attracted to her but man seeing her made me really horny. I litterally woke up from a dream of her and my ex and a great 3some. thats what woke me my ex is her husbands ex and Molly is the reason they broke up, shit come to think of it Molly is kind of the reason me and the ex broke up. see the ex couldnt completly put herself into a realationship because Duke and her had been engaged and when she went to Africa for a School project him and Molly started having am affair. when the ex found out a month or so after getting back they broke up. now Duke and Molly are married, and Im having fantasies about fucking Molly with and without the ex.
maybe its all about how I felt about the ex and still feel about her. somehow it might be trying to get back at them or break them up because I have some issues there. eh, whatever the case Im not going to do it, although it would be fun ;-).
How you doin?

might as well get to know who i am since Cecelia talks about me all the time