well a new week has come and Im glad to say Grandpa is out of the hospital
. it appears he was having problems due to some of his medications. they switched them around and he isnt taking so much of the nitro pills.
I really dont have much else to say it has been kinda a boring week, which makes me realize I really didnt do anything
. I did get my new plugs from Omerica they are quite nice. the ones from my profile pic are the honduran mahogeny.
whatever happened to people being nice just for the sake of being nice? doesnt it seem as though a majority of people are doing it for some underlying reason. for instance my MOM has been keeping a journal of the things she helps my Grandparents with so that when they die she can use it to try to gain some hold on their house. I was told about this today by my Aunt, she says that my MOM has been doing this for a few years now and has gathered up several notebooks full of items she has claimed to have done.
anyhow hows youre week going? I write more later but this is it for now.

I really dont have much else to say it has been kinda a boring week, which makes me realize I really didnt do anything

whatever happened to people being nice just for the sake of being nice? doesnt it seem as though a majority of people are doing it for some underlying reason. for instance my MOM has been keeping a journal of the things she helps my Grandparents with so that when they die she can use it to try to gain some hold on their house. I was told about this today by my Aunt, she says that my MOM has been doing this for a few years now and has gathered up several notebooks full of items she has claimed to have done.
anyhow hows youre week going? I write more later but this is it for now.
That's very true. I wish I would have remembered that before my creativity was killed for a while.
thanks for commenting on my set as well!