This week @rambo & @missy wanted to know if we have met any celebrities!

The answer is YES!

When I was about 9 or 10 years old, my mum worked for Ronald McDonald House in Melbourne, for those who don't know what that is, basically is it accommodation for the families of very sick kids who were being treated across the road at The Royal...
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What an awesome celebrity to meet.  I don't think I could even approach Beyonce considering how famous she is.  I definitely wouldn't have forced a duet upon her (ha ha)
Great set.  You are lovely!

For me, I have always had "friends" come and go, usually only talk to you or want to be around you as soon as you do something out of the ordinary i.e doing suicide girls. Over the last 10 years I have had the pleasure of meeting some very amazing, genuinely caring and thoughtful people who have stuck around even though we did not see...
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Glad you were able to find a great of friends to stand by you. May they become a rich blessing to you. :)

If my lovely friend Kerryn was in charge the world would be a better place.

add her on facebook https://www.facebook.com/kerryn.lang?fref=nf
or instagram _harlot.oscara

- Every day i can pick one driver on the road that i get to slap.
- Dressing gowns are perfectly acceptable business attire.
- 4WD and large cars would have height limitations (you cannot drive one if you are
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