So, haven't blogged in oh so very long, and I figured a blog to show my last jobs before I stopped being a craftsmen and became a full time student bum would be nice
Work was a mess towards the end, with a lot of stuff outside of woodwork that needed doing, plus, I was poached by another firm for the last 6 weeks who paid me nearly triple my hourly. Needless to say, I took the job and earned a mint in the process. It was a lovely little place on the backwaters and was a pleasure every day.

Anyway, before leaving I had a few nice jobs to polish off, big and small.

Big reribbing job, gunnels, garboards and transom
New transom fitted, very quick and clean. Found wayy too much rot on her
A companion way steps/draw/locker for a yacht. Fancy work, was a lot of fun

Trying to look after my lungs a wee bit...

Lavly new hatch for an old, old boat using shitty, shitty materials. Got it alright in the end

New wheel for the same boat. Recycled bronze, router fun times.
Didn't get to finish two job, which I hate

Got the thwarts in and knees finished but didn't get the whole boat finished.

New planks in without templates, fun times. Didn't get to finish reribbing, sad times.
Got to be honest, I'm going to miss shipwrighting majorly. It's such good fun and interesting, but new, bigger things are calling. I'll do my best to try and spend more time making things for friends now. Bookcases, shelves, toys, trinket boxes and such. Would love to be able to keep woodworking and brings some smiles to the great people in my life.
Probably a blog post about life in general and the future to come.

Work was a mess towards the end, with a lot of stuff outside of woodwork that needed doing, plus, I was poached by another firm for the last 6 weeks who paid me nearly triple my hourly. Needless to say, I took the job and earned a mint in the process. It was a lovely little place on the backwaters and was a pleasure every day.

Anyway, before leaving I had a few nice jobs to polish off, big and small.

Big reribbing job, gunnels, garboards and transom

New transom fitted, very quick and clean. Found wayy too much rot on her

A companion way steps/draw/locker for a yacht. Fancy work, was a lot of fun

Trying to look after my lungs a wee bit...

Lavly new hatch for an old, old boat using shitty, shitty materials. Got it alright in the end

New wheel for the same boat. Recycled bronze, router fun times.
Didn't get to finish two job, which I hate

Got the thwarts in and knees finished but didn't get the whole boat finished.

New planks in without templates, fun times. Didn't get to finish reribbing, sad times.
Got to be honest, I'm going to miss shipwrighting majorly. It's such good fun and interesting, but new, bigger things are calling. I'll do my best to try and spend more time making things for friends now. Bookcases, shelves, toys, trinket boxes and such. Would love to be able to keep woodworking and brings some smiles to the great people in my life.
Probably a blog post about life in general and the future to come.